
Installing and Licensing 3ds Max

These pages cover the installation and uninstallation of the Autodesk® 3ds Max® software, the 3ds Max components, tools, and utilities that ship with the software product, and how to switch from the online Help to the local version of the Help.

Certain items are unique to the 3ds Max installation process.

Autodesk Software Installation, Licensing, and Deployment

Before you choose to install an Autodesk software product, verify your system meets the minimum system requirements and your hardware meets the minimum requirements to run the product.

See 3ds Max System Requirements and Certified Hardware, and the 3ds Max Release Notes.

Basic Product Installation

Read the overview of the Autodesk software installation process, and find answers to frequently asked questions.

Creating a Network Deployment

Learn how to plan, create, and distribute an Autodesk software deployment to standardize installation across multiple computers.

Installation and Licensing Information Specific to 3ds Max

The installation and licensing information that is specific to 3ds Max is covered in the subsequent topics.

3ds Max Product Delivery Medium

The 3ds Max product is available by electronic software download for subscription or a 30-day trial.

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