Place Constraint Reference

Assembly constraints remove degrees of freedom between two selected components, positioning them relative to one another.


The Place Constraint dialog displays and you select a constraint type. The dialog updates and you make the selections for that type of constraint.

Ribbon: Assemble tab Relationships panel Constrain


A mini toolbar displays in the graphics window instead of a dialog. As you select geometry, the list of constraint types updates based on those selections.

The first component always moves to the second component, even if the first component is fully constrained. If this causes constraint errors, the Assembly Constraint Management dialog lists the conflicting constraints so you can suppress or delete them.

You can only add constraints to one component at a time with Assemble. When you finish defining constraints for a component, select OK to create the constraints and exit the command. When you restart Assemble you select the next component you want to constrain.

Ribbon: Assemble tab Relationships panel Assemble
Constraint Type
The list updates as you select geometry to list only valid constraints. You can select a constraint type at any time to limit the type of geometry you can select. For example, if you select Insert- Opposed, you can only select circular edges.
Specifies the offset or angle value.