Detect collision between assembly components

Use Collision Detection when you drive relationships to identify incorrectly positioned components. You apply relationships to position the components as intended, and then drive relationships to simulate the mechanical motion. If components collide, a message notifies you and highlights the affected components in the browser.

Open an assembly with component positions to evaluate. Make sure that the components are positioned appropriately with constraints or connections.

  1. On the assembly browser toolbar, select Modeling View to collect all relationships in a folder at the top of the browser. Select Position View to show relationships with individual models.
  2. Right-click a relationship to test, and then select Drive.
  3. In the Drive dialog box, select the Collision Detection check box.
  4. Enter the Start, End, and Pause Delay values. If appropriate, set increment and repetition values, and AVI rate, and then click the Forward arrow to drive the relationships.
  5. If collision is detected, a message displays and the motion stops.
Note: On the context menu, clear the check mark on Visibility or Enabled to remove the components from analysis for contact, interference, or collision. Reference components are analyzed regardless of visibility or enabled status.