To Create or Edit a Bend Note

Annotate a bend centerline with fabrication data or instructions.

Create a bend note

  1. On the ribbon, click Annotate tab Feature Notes panel Bend .
  2. In a flat pattern drawing view for a sheet metal part, select a bend centerline (or do a window selection for multiple bend centerlines).
  3. Bend note is generated and placed about the selected bend centerline.
  4. Right-click and select Done to finish the command.
Note: The default placement of the bend note is above the selected bend centerline. The bend text is constrained to the midpoint of the centerline and offset by the Origin Offset value from the Dimension Style.

Edit a bend note

Modify text, precision and tolerance values, or the position of the note.

  1. Right-click a bend note, and select Edit Bend Note.
  2. In the Edit Bend Note dialog box, edit the bend note text in the edit field:
    • Click Bend Direction, Bend Angle, Bend Radius, or kFactor in the Values and Symbols section to insert the corresponding property in the edit field.
    • Click the arrow next to the Insert Symbol command to select and insert a symbol.
    • If appropriate, add a stacked text in the note. For more information, see To Stack Text in a Drawing. Type a correct stacking sequence, select it, right-click and choose Stack. If AutoStacking is enabled, fractional numbers with a valid stacking trigger followed by a neutral character are stacked automatically as you type.
  3. To change the precision of the Bend Angle, Bend Radius, and kFactor value, click Precision and Tolerance. Then change Precision and Tolerances in the Precision and Tolerance dialog box:
    • To set precision, select Use Global Precision to use precision setting defined on the Units tab of the active Dimension style. Or, cancel the selection of Use Global Precision, and select the Precision for Bend Angle, Bend Radius, and kFactor.
    • To set tolerances for Bend Angle and Bend Radius, click the More option, select the check box in the Tolerances section. Then select Method, enter the tolerance values, and select the precision.
  4. Select Part Units to use the measurement units of the model. Clear the check mark to use the measurement units specified by the Dimension style.
  5. Click OK to close the Edit Bend Note dialog box.

Tips (Drag Editing):