Sheet Metal Annotations in Drawings

How notes and tables are used to add bend and punch instructions.

Bend Annotations

A bend note adds fabricating information to sheet metal bend centerlines. Bend notes are associated with a drawing view.

A bend table lists propertied of all bends in a flat pattern view of a sheet metal part.

Bend tags associate rows in a bend table with the view geometry. After you insert the bend table in the drawing, bend tags are added to the selected drawing view automatically. Bend tags are formatted by the Dimension style, and do not have a leader by default. Drag the bend tag text away from the original position to add a leader to the bend tag.


Punch Annotations

A punch note includes data related to the punch, for example the punch ID, angle, direction, depth, quantity note, and so on. The default style of punch notes is set on the Notes and Leaders tab of the Dimension Style panel.

Before you create a punch table, recover punch centers. Punch centers are represented by center marks in a drawing view. If you create a view-based hole table and select to include recovered punch centers, all visible punch center marks are included in the hole table as individual rows. The corresponding tags are created in the drawing view.

Use the Hole Table command to create a punch table. If appropriate, change Default Filters in Hole Table Style to include recovered punch centers in the hole table by default.


Alternate units in bend and punch annotations

Bend and punch notes can display dimension values in alternate units. Set the dual units display on the Alternate Units tab of the Dimension Style.

To display dual dimension values in a bend or punch table, add the alternate unit columns to the table by using the Column Chooser dialog box.

Note: If dual unit format is selected, precision and tolerance values are also displayed in the dual format.