Publish a feature to Content Center

Use Publish Feature to publish an extrude, revolve, sweep, or hole feature to a read/write library in the Content Center.

Note: Features are managed similarly to parts in the Content Center library. You can use Content Center to insert features in assemblies, edit features placed in an assembly, or add features to Favorites.

Prepare a feature for publishing

Before you begin:

To publish a feature:

  1. In a part (.ipt) file, click Manage tab Content Center panel Publish Feature .
  2. Select an extrude, revolve, sweep, or hole feature, and then click Next in the Publish Feature dialog box.
  3. Select feature parameters to publish: On the Parameters tab of the Author Feature dialog box, move parameters from Available Parameters to Selected Parameters. Click single arrows to move individual parameters or double arrows to move all parameters at once.
    Note: Selected parameters are used as custom parameters for the feature in Content Center Library.
  4. On the Properties tab, select the Drop option to specify how extrude, revolve, or sweep features are positioned when inserted to a file from Content Center.
  5. Click Next to open the Publish dialog box.
  6. On the Publish dialog box, select a library. You can only publish to a read/write library.
  7. Select a language from the list.
  8. In the library structure, find the category where you want to publish the feature. Then click Next.
  9. In the Publish Guide dialog box, enter properties for the published feature, and then click Next.
  10. Optionally, change the thumbnail image. Click Browse next to the Load Alternate Thumbnail Image field, and locate the image.
  11. Click Publish to publish the feature.
Note: Text on a profile sketch is not included in a published feature.