Save Options

Specifies the source for creating the preview image of the model that displays in the Open dialog box, preview pane.

Use a view extracted from the file, or specify an external bitmap file.


In an open Inventor file, select File iProperties Save tab.

Or, in an open Inventor file, select File Save As Save Copy As Options to open the File Save Options dialog box.

Save Preview Picture

Saves a thumbnail image of the model that appears on the File Open dialog box. The default is On. Deselect the check box to turn Off. When selected, other options are available.

Active Component Iso View on Save

Zooms out and captures an isometric view of the component on save.

Active Window on Save

Sets thumbnail image to the view in the graphics window on save.

Active Window

Select Capture to set thumbnail image to the view in the active graphics window.

Import From File

Imports thumbnail BMP image from a file. Select Import to browse to the file containing the image. Image must be 180 x 180 pixels.