The Markups browser displays all the sheet nodes of the marked-up DWF file and its associated markups.
Access: | |
Click File |
The program saves changes in markup status and added comments automatically in the DWF file and includes them when you republish it. You can also save markup changes by right-clicking the markup set node, and clicking Save Markup History Changes.
Right-click the markup to display the context menu and select Properties to display Markup Properties dialog box to change the Status of a markup.
Right-click the root drawing of the marked DWF file to display the context menu:
Close Markup DWF |
Click to close the marked-up DWF and remove it from the browser. The browser changes back to Model view. |
Save Markup History Changes |
Click to save changes to the status of markups and add comments to the marked-up DWF file. This command is available only if you edited the Markup Notes area and changed the Markup status in the Markup Properties dialog box. |
Republish All Sheets |
Republishes all sheets in the marked-up DWF file. Opens the Republish All Sheets dialog box. Select the previously published DWF to overwrite it or enter a new name for the DWF file. When you click Save, the program overwrites the previously published DWF file. Or, it creates a DWF file that contains any changes you made to the drawing file geometry and the properties of the markup. |
Republish Markup Sheets |
Republishes only those sheets in the marked-up DWF file that have associated markups. Opens the Republish Markup Sheets dialog box. Select the previously published DWF to overwrite it, or enter a new name for the DWF file. When you click Save, the program overwrites the previously published DWF file, Or, it creates a DWF file that contains any changes you made to the drawing file geometry and the properties of the markups. |
Show non-markup sheets |
In multi-sheet drawings, not all sheets contain markup. By default, sheets with no markup are not displayed. This context menu entry displays drawing sheets containing no markup (allowing review). |
Hide markups |
Toggles markup display on/off. |
Expand All Children |
Expands the tree. |
Collapse All Children |
Collapses the tree. |
Properties |
Click to open Markup Properties dialog box. |
Markup Status |
The default status for new markups is <None>. You can change the status of a markup to Question, For Review, or Closed. Contains information about which changes to make to the drawing. There are two ways to view the information: using an attribute or a graphic. Depending on the selected attribute (None, Question, For Review, Done) the appropriate icon appears before markup. |
Indicates that the markup does not yet have an assigned status. None is the default status for new markups. |
When you open and view a markup, you can change the status to Question to indicate that you need additional information about the markup. |
When you implement a markup, you can change the status to For Review. The markup creator can review the changes to the drawing sheet and the status of the markup. |
Indicates an individual markup that has an assigned status of Done. When a markup is implemented and reviewed, you can change the status to Done. |
Sheet |
Individual markups are listed under sheets in the Markups browser. The displayed sheet is highlighted, all other sheets are shaded in the browser. Right-click to display context menu. |
Activate |
To activate a sheet, double-click the sheet name, or right-click, and then select Activate. |
Resolve Link... |
Click to open the Resolve Link dialog box. |
Properties... |
Click to open the Sheet Properties dialog box. |
Open in Design Review |
Opens the DWF file in Autodesk Design Review. |
Sheet Nodes |
A Sheet refers to a 2D markup section found in the DWF file. There are three possible sheet states: |
Resolved State |
Autodesk Inventor identified the IDW file and the sheet. |
Unresolved State |
The IDW file was moved and Autodesk Inventor cannot identify the sheet. You can open the file in Autodesk Design Review. Right-click to display the context menu, and select Open in Design Review. |
Non-Autodesk Inventor document type node |
Such files do not open in Autodesk Inventor. You can open the file in Autodesk Design Review. Right-click to display the context menu, and select Open in Design Review. |