Find relationships in assembly

Changes to assemblies during the design process can cause existing relationships to conflict with others, or become unsolvable. Designers must then locate the relationships in question to resolve the errors or to collect additional information.

Use Show, Show Sick, Free Move, or one of the following methods to help you manage relationships.

Locate all relationships in an assembly

  1. Select the Relationships folder at the top of the browser hierarchy.
  2. Expand the folder to view the relationships.
  3. Highlight a relationship or a relationship error to see the related parts highlight and zoom to the selected relationship in the graphics window.

Locate other half of single relationship

There are two halves to every assembly relationship. When multiple relationships of one type exist, such as several Mate or Flush constraints, it can be difficult to locate the other half. To make relationships easier to locate, the browser automatically expands to show the other half of the selected relationship and highlights it.

  1. Select the Position View from the browser view menu.
  2. Expand the components to view a needed relationship.
  3. Highlight a single relationship or a relationship with errors, right-click, and select Other Half.

Use Find to locate relationships

  1. Click the binoculars icon on the browser toolbar.
  2. In the Find dialog box, set the search criteria or click Open Search to search on previously specified criteria.
  3. Select Relationships from the Look For list.
  4. In the Define more criteria box, you can make your search more specific. Optionally, enter one or more:
    • Using the And/Or operators, select And to accumulate criteria or select Or to satisfy the search if either criteria is met.
    • Specify Property. The Find command recognizes the active environment and offers search criteria based on the environment.
    • Select a Condition.
    • Specify a Value to complete the Property, Condition, Value statement.
  5. Click Add to List to add the refined criteria to the search box.
  6. Specify the current path file.
  7. Click Find Now to initiate the search. You can save the search results to a text file and view them using a text editor.