Edit and Troubleshoot Assembly Relationships

Learn how to edit relationships to resolve errors, accept errors, or use diagnostic tools to resolve the conflicts.

Autodesk Inventor detects relationships that conflict with others or that cannot be solved. A relationship error does not harm or destroy geometry; it means that the two components cannot be connected in the way you have attempted. Autodesk Inventor notifies you when errors occur.

When a relationship has inconsistencies or cannot be solved, an error message explains the error, and the affected geometry highlights in the graphics window. You can edit relationships to resolve the error, accept the error, or use diagnostic tools to resolve the conflict. Relationships with errors are marked with symbols in the browser, where you can edit them later.

The following error symbols can display:

Recovery help is available
Click to use Design Doctor to take you through steps to resolve the error.
Lists tips for using recovery options
Click Help in the message window to read information about the Command Message dialog box.
Error condition
If you decide to accept a relationship error, the relationship is flagged with this symbol in the browser.
Information about the attempted relationship is available
If multiple problems are found, you can expand and collapse the message hierarchy while you evaluate the required actions.
Note: These same symbols indicate modeling errors as well as relationship errors. If an error prevents a model from solving, you cannot accept the error. Instead, you can follow the steps outlined by the Design Doctor to resolve the error.

Display and edit relationship errors in the graphics window

Use Free Move, Show, or Show Sick to display errors on the components in the graphics window.
  • Use Free Move to separate the components. An elastic band shows the component joints. The relationship and error glyphs are visible on the component body.
  • Use Show relationships to display the relationship and error glyphs on a component. If you want to show relationships on multiple components, select the components before you select the command.
  • Use Show Sick to display error glyphs on components that have a relationship error. If there are no relationship errors in the model, the Show Sick command is not available.

Use the glyph context menu to suppress, unsuppress, or delete a relationship.

Tip: Use Hide All to remove all relationship and error glyphs from the display.

Create/Edit Joint error options

Inventor displays the Create/Edit Joint error dialog box when an error occurs while you place or edit a relationship. This dialog box has four options for handling the error:

Assemble and Grip Snap relationship conflicts

Inventor displays the Relationships Management dialog box when a conflict occurs when using Grip Snap or Assemble. This dialog box displays a list of the conflicting relationships.