

This design defines a three dimensional cylinder. Cylinder is a solid and inherits rules from the design solidMixin which includes typical mass properties associated with solid entities. The height and radius are the main parameters of the design, others affect its positioning and other attributes.




See CylinderMixin and SolidMixin for a complete set of Canonicals, Parameters, Rules, Methods, and Group Rules.

Example 1

Name : cylinder_Ex01
Design : acDrawingDocument
Child Name : cylinder_1
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number 6
radius number 2
referenceFrame frame frameXY(origin, unitZ, unitY)
color string "jungle green"

Example 2

Name: cylinder_Ex02
Design : acDrawingDocument
Name Type Formula
od number 3
thk number 0.25
length number 1
Child Name : pipe
Child Design : :BooleanSolid
Name Type Supplied
operation name :difference
components list {odObject, idObject}
color string "plum"
Child Name : odObject
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number length
radius number od / 2
referenceFrame frame frameXY(origin, -unitZ, unitY)
Child Name : idObject
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number odObject.height
radius number odObject.radius - thk
referenceFrame frame odObject.ReferenceFrame

Example 3

Name : cylinder_Ex03
Design : acDrawingDocument
Name Type Formula
od number 3
thk number 0.25
center point MidPoint(odStraight.bottomPoint, odStraight.topPoint)
Child Name : tee
Child Design : :BooleanSolid
Name Type Supplied
operation name :difference
components list {teeOd, idStraight, idSide}
color string "navy blue"
Child Name : teeOd
Child Design : :BooleanSolid
Name Type Supplied
components list {odStraight, odSide}
Child Name : odSide
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number od + 1
radius number od / 2
origin point center
referenceFrame frame frameXY(origin, unitX, unitY)
Child Name : odStraight
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number (od / 2) + 0.5
radius number odStraight.radius
referenceFrame frame frameXY(origin, -unitZ, unitY)
Child Name : idSide
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number odSide.height
radius number idStraight.radius
origin point odSide.origin
referenceFrame frame odSide.referenceFrame
Child Name : idStraight
Child Design : :Cylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number odStraight.height
radius number odStraight.radius - thk
referenceFrame frame odStraight.referenceFrame