About AutoCAD Map 3D Toolset Electric

Use AutoCAD Map 3D toolset Electric to manage and analyze electric networks. You can manage both underground and overhead electric infrastructure. You can also create an internal view of a structure and associate it with external features. There are two modules available: NA (North America) and CE (Central Europe).

The industry models delivered with Electric NA and CE are usually customized to meet customer or project requirements in different countries and regions. This customization impacts feature class form layout, additional functions, the content of domains, and available reports. This guide describes basic functionality, not specific customizations. There are slight differences between Electric NA and Electric CE. These differences are indicated in this guide.

Electric devices and conductors are grouped as circuits. Each device or conductor stores the relation to a circuit using the CIRCUIT (FID_CIRCUIT) attribute. Circuits are managed by workflows, the Circuit container in the Electric Explorer, feature rules, topology functions, or manually.

Electric NA manages phases for devices and conductors. The PHASE (FID_PHASE) attribute stores the phase for each device or conductor. Phases are managed by a workflow, feature rules, topology functions, or manually. For example, the phase is updated whenever a new element is added to the electrical network. Also, use the Reconfigure Phase workflow to trace the electrical network and to modify the phase value. For more information, see Reconfiguring Phase.

AutoCAD Map 3D toolset Electric uses cross sections to visualize the contents of a segment or the configuration of conductors on a pole or tower. For example, a segment cross section shows ducts and conductors that run in the segment. Use cross sections in distribution networks to view and position ducts and conductors in segments. Use cross sections in transmission networks to view and position conductors on poles or towers. For transmission networks, the cross section is the view of a pole or tower looking down from the sky. An extended cross section is available for the elevation view (looking north or east).


Your administrator must set up cross sections before you can work with AutoCAD Map 3D toolset Electric. For more information, see Electric Cross Sections.