For this task you use the Calculation wizard to process polar mapping data. You import tachymeter measurements of 4 stations, one of which is a free station. The import files are Cplan Ro files.
- The Survey database is configured, see Configuring Survey Projects
- The coordinates of the connecting points/base points are stored in the database.
- Instrument of type Tachymeter, representing the precision and type of the measurements.
- Field code list containing the field codes of all target points that have been shot in the measurements.
Creating the Calculation Project
- In the AutoCAD Map 3D toolset Maintenance workspace, do one of the following:
Click .
- Select the Project Group, and the Project that has the field code list assigned.
- Under Select A Calculation Project, click Manage Calculation Project.
- Under Calculation Project, click Create.
- In the Create Calculation Project dialog box, enter a name, such as Polar Mapping Example 1, and enter a description, such as Polar Mapping and Free Station.
- Click Create, and click Close.
- In the Survey main window, click Next.
Step 1, Calculation Project Settings
- Under Options, select Calculate, and select Reduce Distance.
- Under Reduction, Module, select Specific Reduction. Under Reference Frame, select CH1903.
- Click to display the Advanced Options. Do not modify the default values.
- Click Next.
See Calculation Project Settings
Step 2, Import Measurements
- Under File Data Source, File Format, select Cplan RO.
- Under Files To Import, click Add, and browse for the file (*.RO).
- In the file list, select the file, and click Edit to display the measurement data in your default editor. Close the editor.
- Under Attributes, enter a field date, and an operator.
- Select the instrument, such as <tachymeter name>.
- Click Import.
- Click the Show Measurement link to open the Measurement dialog box.
- In the Measurement dialog box, on the Tachymeter tab, select a station, such as <station number>. Under Station, Parameter, the instrument properties are displayed. The Measurement Data tab displays the measurements as stored in the Survey database. For example, for each measurement, check the standard deviation that have been determined from the instrument settings. See also Measurement - Tachymeter
- In the Measurement dialog box, click Close.
- In the Survey main window, click the Show Imported Files link. The Imported Filed dialog box displays all files that have been imported into the calculation project. Click Close.
- In the Survey main window, click Next.
See also Import Measurement.
Step 3, Find Reference Points
Step 3, Find Reference Points, provides information that helps you to detect possible errors, such as missing base points, field coding errors, or point number typos.
- Under Find Reference Points, click Find.
- A message alerts about the base points that have no reference point. For example, if your measurements include a free station, no reference point can be found. In this case, you can continue, because the coordinates will be determined in the adjustment calculation.
- In the No Reference Point Found dialog box, click the Show Message link. If no messages are listed, the point that is listed is a free station. Click Close.
- Click Close.
- Under Information, click the Show Coordinate link. The Coordinate dialog box displays the reference points. The Planimetry Fix Point tab displays the existing base points. The Planimetry New Point tab displays the new detail points, including the base point of the free station.
- In the Coordinate dialog box, click Close.
- Click Next.
See also Find Reference Points.
Step 4, Calculate Approximation
In step 4, you can detect measurement errors, such as missing observations.
- Under Calculate Approximation, click Calculate.
- Under Information, click the Show Message link. See also Calculation Wizard Messages. Close the Messages dialog box.
- Under Information, click the Show Coordinate link to open the Coordinate dialog box.
- Click the Planimetry New Points tab. The tab displays the approximate coordinates of the each measured point.
- In the data grid, click the Identifier heading to sort the points by their point number. Note, that some points have been measured twice, and that approximate coordinates have been calculated for each point.
- Click Close.
- Click Next.
Step 5, Find Identical Points
- Under Find Identical Points, click Find.
- Under Information, click the Show Coordinate link.
- Click the Planimetry New Points tab. The tab displays the approximate coordinates of the new points.
- In the data grid, click the Identifier heading to sort the points by their point number. All point numbers are unique. Double measurements have been merged. Click Close.
- Click Next.
At this stage of the calculation process, the unknowns of the adjustment calculation are specified.
Notice that by default, step 6, Find Existing Points is skipped, and the Calculation wizard continues with step 7, Calculate Adjustment.
See also Find Identical Points
Step 7, Calculate Adjustment
- Under Calculate Adjustment, click Calculate.
- Under Information, click the Calculate Indicators link.
See also Analyzing Precision and Reliability.
Create Network Plan
- On the Task Overview, click Create Network Plan.
- In the task area, click Create.
See also Create The Network Plan.
Distribute Coordinates
- On the Task Overview, click Distribute Coordinates.
- In the task area, click Distribute.
- In the Distribute Coordinate dialog box, you configure the distribution.
See also Controlling the Distribution.
Create Reports
- On the Task Overview, click Generate Reports.
- In the task area, select a report, and click Generate.
See also Generate Survey Reports.