To Edit Using the Data Table

Use the Data Table to view and edit features. Select data in the Data Table window or select areas of your map to see their data in the table.

To edit features using the Data Table

  1. In Map Explorer , expand the Data Source entry and select the feature layer to edit.
  2. Click .

    The Data Table window opens, displaying the feature data contained in your map.

  3. Select and edit cells in the Data Table window.

    When you edit data related to a feature, that feature is checked out automatically (and the Update Edits Automatically setting is turned on).

    Some data fields are “constrained” to allow only certain values. When you enter values for constrained fields, you are prompted to enter only valid values. For example, the prompt might tell you to enter only values between one and ten.

  4. Check in the revised features.
  5. Close the Data Table window when you are finished.