About Raster Images and Surfaces

When creating a map, you can add raster images and surfaces to the display.

Adding one or more images in the background of your map adds context and gives the map visual appeal.

Raster Type Formats
Raster-based surfaces DEM (Digital Elevation Model), ESRI Grid, or Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED)
2D raster JPEG and JPEG2K (Joint Photographic Experts Group), PNG (Portable Network Graphic), MrSID (Multi-Resolution Seamless Image Database), TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), ECW (Enhanced Compressed Wavelet)
WMS raster Maps on a server
WMTS raster Maps on a server delivered by image tiles
Other raster formats BMP, CALS-I, ECW, FLIC, GeoSPOT, IG4, IGS, IKONOS, JFIF, LANDSAT FAST, L7A, NITF, PCX, PICT, Quickbird TIFF, RLC 1 and 2 , TARGA
Note: Layers in the map are rendered based on the draw order of the layers in Display Manager. To display drawing objects in front of the raster image, put the raster image layer at the bottom of the list.