You can access existing spatial and attribute data in ESRI SHP files, which store both geometry and attributes (data) for features.
To bring in features from SHP
- In
Display Manager
, click Data
Connect To Data.
- In the Data Connect window, select Add SHP Connection in the Data Connections By Provider list.
- Under Connection Name, type a name for this connection.
- Under Source File Or Folder, specify the location of the file. To include multiple files in a group, specify a folder.
to browse to a file. Click the folder icon to browse to a folder.
- Click Connect.
- In the feature class list, select the feature classes to include in the map.
If this feature source contains only a single feature class, that feature class is selected automatically. If it contains multiple feature classes, you can right-click any of them and select Select All or Select None.
- Verify that the coordinate systems are correct. You can change an incorrect coordinate system if necessary.
- Click Add To Map.