Click Connect and then sign in to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal if you're not already signed in.
In the Select Layers dialog box, select the layers you want to publish.
Note: Only supported layers are displayed in the dialog box.
Under Spatial Filter, select one of the following:
None. Publishes all features of the selected layers.
Current view. Publishes the features of the layers in the current map view.
Draw window. Publishes the area in the map that is enclosed in the window selection.
Click OK.
In the Publish to ArcGIS dialog box, review the area of interest and click Next.
In the Layer Definition page, specify the ArcGIS layer name for each Map 3D layer.
Click a Map 3D layer to display a list of attributes that you can publish for the layer. You can select the check boxes for the attributes you want to publish and change the default attribute name.
Click Next.
In the Item Settings page, specify the service name, summary, and tags.
Click Advanced Settings and specify whether content is editable, and select the groups with whom to share the content. Click Next.
Note: See the ArcGIS Online Help for information about
managing feature layers, including controlling what edits can be made to a layer.
In the Publishing Location page, specify the publishing location within your My Content folder.
Click Publish.
After you publish the content, a message dialog is displayed showing the publish results and a link to view the published content in ArcGIS.