To Work With Offline Data

When you work offline, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset caches all your feature data connections.

To work offline

  1. Click Feature Edit tabEdit Set panelAutomatic Update.
  2. Check out the features you plan to use.

    For more information, see Checking Out Features.

  3. Click the Online/Offline toggle on the Status Bar.

You can still check out and edit features while you are offline. When you return online, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset attempts to lock features that you checked out while you were offline. Non-feature data cannot be checked out, so you cannot edit it unless you are connected to its source.

To return online

To clear the cache

  1. Click Map Setup tabMap panelangle-arrow.

    Optionally, at the Command prompt, enter mapoptions.

  2. In the AutoCAD Map Options dialog box, click the System tab.
  3. Click Clear Cache. Click OK.

To rebuild the cache