The following methods are specific to Editable_Poly Mapping, Vertex and Edge Data:
All channels are 0-based!
polyop.setNumMaps <Poly poly> <int count> keep:<boolean=true>
Sets the number of map channels available.
The number of map channels can be set from 0 to 100.
Map channels 0 and 1 are the Vertex Color and default Texture Map channels.
If <keep>
is false
, the old mapping information is discarded. If true
, the old mapping information is retained after the resize.
polyop.getNumMaps <Poly poly>
Returns the number of map channels available as an <integer>
polyop.setMapSupport <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <Boolean support>
Sets whether the specified mapping channel is supported or not.
If <support>
is true
, and the channel support state is currently false
, a new map face array of the same size as the number of faces in the mesh is allocated, but no map vertex array is allocated.
If <support>
is false
, and the channel support state is currently true
, existing map channel face and vertex arrays are deallocated.
If <support>
and the current channel support state are both the same, no action is performed. SetNumMaps()
is automatically called if the specified map channel is not available.
index values are 0-based, with Map channels 0 and 1 being the Vertex Color and default Texture Map channels.
This method was previously broken but was fixed in 3ds Max 2008.
polyop.getMapSupport <Poly poly> <int mapChannel>
Returns whether the specified map channel is supported.
This signifies that a map face array is present, but not necessarily a map vertex array.
polyop.setNumMapVerts <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <int count> keep:<boolean=false>
Sets the number of vertices for the map channel, initializing the map vertex array.
If <keep>
is fals
, the old map vertex information is discarded.
If true
, the old map vertex information is retained after the resize.
polyop.getNumMapVerts <Poly poly> <int mapChannel>
Returns the number of vertices for the map channel as an <integer>
polyop.setNumMapFaces <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <int count> keep:<boolean=false>
Sets the number of faces for the map channel.
If keep
is false
, the old map face information is discarded.
If true
, the old map face information is retained after the resize.
Dangerous to use with map channels 0 and 1.
polyop.getNumMapFaces <Poly poly> <int mapChannel>
Returns the number of faces for the map channel as an <integer>
polyop.setMapVert <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <int index> <Point3 uvw>
Sets the coordinates of the specified map vertex.
polyop.getMapVert <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <int index>
Returns the coordinates of the specified map vertex as a <point3>
polyop.setMapFace <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <int map face index> <map vertex array>
Sets the map vertices for the specified map face.
polyop.getMapFace <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <int index>
Returns the vertex indices of the specified map face as an array.
polyop.defaultMapFaces <Poly poly> <int mapChannel>
Allocates and initializes a basic planar map, or a white map for the vertex color hannel.
polyop.applyUVWMap <Poly poly> \
<#planar | #cylindrical | #spherical | #ball | #box> | <#face> \
utile:<float=1.0> vtile:<float=1.0> wtile:<float=1.0> \
uflip:<boolean=false> vflip:<boolean=false> wflip:<boolean=false> \
cap:<boolean=true> tm:<Matrix3=identity matrix> channel:<integer=1>
Applies the specified mapping type to the mapping channel.
- Number of tiles in the U/V/W directions.
- U/V/W are mirrored if true
- used with #cylindrical
. If true
, then any face normal that is pointing more vertically than horizontally will be mapped using planar coordinates.
- defines the mapping space. As each point is mapped, it is multiplied by this matrix, and then it is mapped.
- the mapping channel the mapping is applied to, defaults to channel 1.
polyop.getVertsByColor <Poly poly> <Color color><Float red_thresh>\
<Float green_thresh><Float blue_thresh>\
Returns the vertices whose vertex color is within the color range as a <bitarray>
The range values should be in the range of 0 to 255.
polyop.getVertsByColor <Poly poly> <Point3 uvw> <Float u_thresh> \
<Float v_thresh> <Float w_thresh> channel:<int=0>
Returns the vertices whose UVW is within the UVW range as a <bitarray>
The range values should be in the range of 0 to 1.
polyop.setVertColor <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <vertlist> <Color color>
Sets the vertex color for the specified vertices in the specified <mapChannel>
polyop.SetFaceColor <Poly poly> <int mapChannel> <facelist> <Color color>
Sets the vertex color for the vertices used by the specified faces in the specified <mapChannel>
polyop.setNumVDataChannels <Poly poly> <int count> keep:<boolean=true>
Sets the number of vertex data channels available. The number of vertex data channels can be set from 0 to 100.
If <keep>
is false
, the old channel data is discarded. If true
, the old channel data is retained after the resize. The first ten channels for Discreet's use only.
channel 1: Soft Selection
channel 2: Vertex weights (for NURMS MeshSmooth)
channel 3: Vertex Alpha values
channel 4: Cornering values for subdivision use
polyop.getNumVDataChannels <Poly poly>
Returns the number of vertex data channels available as an <integer>
polyop.setVDataChannelSupport <Poly poly> <int vdChannel> <boolean support>
Sets whether the specified vertex data channel is supported or not.
index values are 1-based, The first ten channels for Autodesk's use only.
channel 1: Soft Selection
channel 2: Vertex weights (for NURMS MeshSmooth)
channel 3: Vertex Alpha values
channel 4: Cornering values for subdivision use
polyop.getVDataChannelSupport <Poly poly> <int vdChannel>
Returns whether the specified vertex data channel is supported.
polyop.getVDataValue <Poly poly> <int vdChannel> <int vertex_index>
Returns the floating point data value associated with vertex vertex_index
in vertex data channel <vdChannel>
as a <float>
polyop.setVDataValue <Poly poly> <int vdChannel> <vertlist> <float>
Sets the floating point data value associated with the specified vertices in vertex data channel <vdChannel>
polyop.freeVData <Poly poly> <int vdChannel>
polyop.resetVData <Poly poly> <int vdChannel>
Deallocates the existing vertex data channel and turns off the vertex data channel support state.
These methods do the exact same thing.
polyop.setNumEDataChannels <Poly poly> <int count> keep:<boolean=true>
Sets the number of edge data channels available. The number of edge data channels can be set from 0 to 10.
If <keep>
is false
, the old channel data is discarded.
If true
, the old channel data is retained after the resize.
The first two channels for Autodesk's use only.
channel 1: edge knot data
channel 2: edge crease data
polyop.getNumEDataChannels <Poly poly>
Returns the number of edge data channels available as an <integer>
polyop.setEDataChannelSupport <Poly poly><int edChannel><Boolean support>
Sets whether the specified edge data channel is supported or not.
index values are 1-based, the first two channels for Autodesk's use only.
channel 1: edge knot data
channel 2: edge crease data
polyop.getEDataChannelSupport <Poly poly> <int edChannel>
Returns whether the specified edge data channel is supported.
polyop.getEDataValue <Poly poly> <int edChannel> <int edge_index>
Returns the floating point data value associated with edge edge_index
in edge data channel <edChannel>
as a <float>
polyop.setEDataValue <Poly poly> <int edChannel> <edgelist> <float>
Sets the floating point data value associated with the specified edges in edge data channel <edChannel>
polyop.freeEData <Poly poly> <int edChannel>
resetEData <Poly poly> <int edChannel>
Deallocates the existing edge data channel and turns off the edge data channel support state.
These methods do the exact same thing.