Interface: BakeElementProperties

The BakeElementProperties Interface is exposed by all Bake Element and provides access to their properties using indexed access.

Available in 3ds Max 2008 and higher.

See also the Interface: INodeBakeProperties interface.

Interface: BakeElementProperties 


.backgroundColor : color : Read|Write      

Get/Set the background color of the Bake Element. Default is (color 0 0 0 0).



Returns the number of parameters in the Bake Element.

<string>paramName <integer>paramIndex 

Returns the name of the indexed parameters in the Bake Element.

<integer>paramType <integer>paramIndex 

Returns the type of the indexed parameter in the Bake Element.

<integer>getParamValue <integer>paramIndex 

Returns the value of the indexed parameters in the Bake Element.

<void>setParamValue <integer>paramIndex <integer>newValue 

Sets the value of the indexed parameter in the Bake Element.

<value>getParamFPValue <integer>paramIndex 

Returns the FPValue of the indexed parameter in the Bake Element.

<void>setParamFPValue <integer>paramIndex <value>newValue 

Sets the value of the indexed parameter in the Bake Element.

<value>getParamFPValueMin <integer>paramIndex 

Returns the minimum FPValue of the indexed parameter in the Bake Element.

<value>getParamFPValueMax <integer>paramIndex 

Returns the maximum FPValue of the indexed parameter in the Bake Element.

<integer>findParam <string>paramName 

Returns the index of the named parameter in the Bake Element.


   -- create a new BlendMap Bake Element
   be = BlendMap()
   --> ReferenceTarget:BlendMap
   --> 8
   for i = 1 to be.nParams() do
   format "%: Type:% Value:% FPValue:% Min:% Max:%\n"\
   i (be.paramName i) (be.ParamType i) (be.getParamValue i)\
   (be.getParamFPValue i) (be.getParamFPValueMin i)\
   (be.getParamFPValueMax i)
   --> 1: Type:Lighting Value:1 FPValue:1 Min:1 Max:-999999999
   --> 2: Type:Shadows Value:1 FPValue:1 Min:1 Max:-999999999
   --> 3: Type:Diffuse Value:1 FPValue:1 Min:1 Max:-999999999
   --> 4: Type:Ambient Value:1 FPValue:1 Min:1 Max:-999999999
   --> 5: Type:Specular Value:1 FPValue:1 Min:1 Max:-999999999
   --> 6: Type:Self-Illum Value:1 FPValue:1 Min:1 Max:-999999999
   --> 7: Type:Reflection Value:1 FPValue:1 Min:1 Max:-999999999
   --> 8: Type:Refraction Value:1 FPValue:1 Min:1 Max:-999999999