Birth_Script - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 5:0 - classID: #(1962490658, 515064320)
The Birth_Script operator enables creation of particles within the Particle Flow system using a MAXScript script. The script can use most of the program functionality available to MAXScript. See Limitations on using MAXScript with Particle Flow for a general list of limitations.
<Birth_Script>.Proceed_Script String default: "-- This is a script that can be used to generate particles ..."
Specifies the script as string to use for the Birth Script.
<Birth_Script>.Emit_Start Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/Set the time in ticks at which the operator begins emitting particles.
<Birth_Script>.Random_Seed Integer default: 12345 -- integer
Specifies the randomization value.
The following Interfaces are exposed by the Birth_Script Class: