Group_Select : Helper

Group_Select- superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 4:0 - classID:#(1395943173, 515064320) 


The Group_Select operator extends Particle Flow's ability to select particles.

With the standard PF Source object, you can select a specific group of particles with the Particle sub-object, and the same selection is used in all events. Conversely, you can use several Group_Select operators in one flow, each selecting a different group of particles. The Group_Select operator also provides an animatable icon that selects particles that pass through it, similar in function to the Vol. Select modifier.

Each Group_Select operator selects a unique subset of particles. You can split selected particles to another event with the Split Group Operator, or indicate an outside event to affect particles with the Group_Operator. The Group_Select icon can be scaled and transformed to dynamically change the particle selection over the course of the particle flow.

Group_Select operators can be instanced in different events to define the same selection subset. If the particles converge into a third event, the selection subsets are united, and a Group_Operator works with the combined selection subset.

The Group_Select operator doesn't change particle properties. It adds a data channel that indicates the selection status of a particle corresponding to the selection operator. To modify particles based on their selection status, use a Group_Operator or Split Group test.

The Group_Select was first added to 3ds Max as part of the Creativity Extension to 3ds Max 2009 and became an integral part of 3ds Max 2010. It was previously available in the Particle Flow Tools Box #1.




Selection Update:

<Group_Select>.Update_Type : radiobtnIndex 

Get/set the Selection Update radio buttons state.

Possible values are:

0 - Once (default) - Calculates the selection status only once, at the time a particle enters the event.

1 - Continuous - Calculates the selection status newly at every frame.

<Group_Select>.Reverse_Selection : boolean 

Get/set the state of the Reverse Selection option. It inverts the particle selection.

Selection Condition:

<Group_Select>.Selection_Type : radiobtnIndex 

Get/set the Selection Type radio buttons state.

Possible values are:

0 - Entire Particle Stream

1 - By Snapshot (default)

2 - Inside Icon Volume

3 - Inside Object

4 - Select By Particle

5 - Randomly Selected

6 - Combine Groups

1 - By Snapshot

<Group_Select>.Snapshot_Type : integer 

Get/set the Snapshot Type drop-down list selection used when the .Selection_Type property is set to 1.

Possible values are:

0 - Selected in PF Source

1 - All in Current Event

<Group_Select>.Snapshot_Particle_System : integer 

Get/set the inode.handle value of the PF Source node used to snapshot the particles.

<Group_Select>.Snapshot_Indices : int array 

Get/set an array of 0-based integers defining the particle IDs in the snapshot.

2 - Inside Icon Volume

<Group_Select>.Icon_Type : integer 

Get/set the Icon Type drop-down list selection when the .Selection_Type property is set to 2.

Possible values are:

0 - Box (default)

1 - Cylinder

2 - Sphere

<Group_Select>.Subframe_Sampling : boolean 

Get/set the state of the Subframe Sampling option.

3 - Inside Object

<Group_Select>.Inside_Object : node 

Get/set the geometry object to be used for the Inside Object test when the .Selection_Type property is set to 3.

<Group_Select>.Animated_Shape : boolean 

Get/set the state of the Animated Shape option.

4 - Select By Particle

<Group_Select>.Property_Type : integer 

Get/set the Property drop-down list selection when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4.

Possible values are:

0 - Age

1 - Birth ID (default)

2 - Direction

3 - Scale

4 - Script Float

5 - Size

6 - Speed

7 - Uniform Index

<Group_Select>.Age_From : integer 

Get/set the From value in Ticks when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 0 (Age).

<Group_Select>.Age_To : integer 

Get/set the To value in Ticks when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 0(Age).

<Group_Select>.Age_Variation : integer 

Get/set the Variation value when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 0 (Age).

<Group_Select>.Index_From : integer 

Get/set the From value when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 1 (Birth ID).

<Group_Select>.Index_To : integer 

Get/set the To value when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 1 (Birth ID).

<Group_Select>.Index_Variation : integer 

Get/set the Variation value when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 1 (Birth ID).

<Group_Select>.Divergence : angle 

Get/set the Divergence value in degrees when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 2 (Direction).

<Group_Select>.Divergence_Variation : angle 

Get/set the Divergence Variation value in degrees when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 2 (Direction).

<Group_Select>.Scale_From : percent 

Get/set the From value in percent when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 3 (Scale).

<Group_Select>.Scale_To : percent 

Get/set the To value in percent when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 3 (Scale).

<Group_Select>.Scale_Variation : percent 

Get/set the Variation value in percent when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 3 (Scale).

<Group_Select>.Float_From (Size_From) : float 

Get/set the From value when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 4 (Script Float).

<Group_Select>.Float_To (Size_To) : float 

Get/set the To value when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 4 (Script Float).

<Group_Select>.Float_Variation (Size_Variation) : float 

Get/set the Variation value when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 4 (Script Float).

<Group_Select>.Size_From : worldUnits 

Get/set the From value in world units when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 5 (Size).

<Group_Select>.Size_To : worldUnits 

Get/set the To value in world units when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 5 (Size).

<Group_Select>.Size_Variation : worldUnits 

Get/set the Variation value in world units when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 5 (Size).

<Group_Select>.Speed_From : worldUnits 

Get/set the From value in world units when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 6.

<Group_Select>.Speed_To : worldUnits 

Get/set the To value in world units when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 6.

<Group_Select>.Speed_Variation : worldUnits 

Get/set the Variation value in world units when the .Selection_Type property is set to 4 and the .Property_Type property is set to 6.

5 - Randomly Selected

<Group_Select>.Chance : percent 

Get/set the Chance value in percent when the .Selection_Type property is set to 5.

6 - Combine Groups

<Group_Select>.Combine_Type : integer 

Get/set the selection index of the Combine Groups type drop-down list used when the .Selection_Type property is set to 6.

Possible values are:

0 - A and B (default)

1 - A or B

2 - A or B not both

3 - A and not B

<Group_Select>.Group_A : node 

Get/set the Group A node used when the .Selection_Type property is set to 6.

<Group_Select>.Group_B : node 

Get/set the Group B node used when the .Selection_Type property is set to 6.

Icon Properties:

<Group_Select>.Icon_Size : worldUnits 

Get/set the Icon Size value.

<Group_Select>.Logo_Size : worldUnits 

Get/set the Logo Size value.

<Group_Select>.Color_Coordinated : boolean 

Get/set whether the icon color will be the same as the Display color in the current event (true) or the default blue color (false).


<Group_Select>.Random_Seed : integer 

Get/set the Random seed value.

Group_Select Interfaces:

Interface: groupSelection 



Returns the selection handle for the Snapshot mode.

The following common Interfaces are exposed by the Group_Select Class:

Interface: action

Interface: operator

Interface: PViewItem