Camera_Culling - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 13:0 - classID: #(1509449989, 515064320)
The Camera_Culling operator reduces geometry load at render time by filtering out all particles outside the camera frustum.
The operator can be used as a Group Selection tool defined by camera view frustum.
Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.
<Camera_Culling>.Use_Active_Camera BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Use Active Camera" checkbox.
When set to True (default), the current view/render camera will be used.
When set the False, the Camera object specified by the .Camera
property will be used instead, regardless of the current view.
<Camera_Culling>.Camera UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node; !error setting value!
Get/set the Camera to use for culling when the property .Use_Active_Camera
is set to False.
<Camera_Culling>.Use_Camera_Clipping_Planes BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Use Camera Clip. Planes" checkbox.
<Camera_Culling>.Use_Near_Clip BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Near Clip" checkbox.
<Camera_Culling>.Near_Clip_Distance Float default: 1.0 -- worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Near Clip" spinner.
<Camera_Culling>.Use_Far_Clip BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Far Clip" checkbox.
<Camera_Culling>.Far_Clip_Distance Float default: 1000.0 -- worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Far Clip" spinner.
<Camera_Culling>.Culling_Type Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the selection of the "Cull By" drop-down list.
Possible values are:
0 - Particle Pivot (default)
1 - Bounding Sphere
<Camera_Culling>.Render_Culling BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Render" checkbox.
<Camera_Culling>.Viewport_Culling BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Viewport" checkbox.
<Camera_Culling>.Use_For_Group_Selection BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Use For Group Selection" checkbox.
<Camera_Culling>.Selection_Type Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex
Get/set the state of the Selection Type radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - Inside Camera Frustum (default)
1 - Outside Camera Frustum
<Camera_Culling>.Subframe_Precision BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Subframe Precision" checkbox.
The following common Particle Flow Interfaces are exposed by the Camera_Culling Class: