3ds Max C++ API Reference
MouseCursors.h File Reference

Centralized dll for all cursors in 3dsmax, consists of LoadMouseCursor function and enum of all Cursor names. More...

#include "windows.h"
#include "export.h"


 Namespace UI (Userinterface) Containing the namespace, EMouseCursors containing the function to load the cursors.


enum  ECursors {
  cursor0 = 0 , cursor5 , cursor10 , cursor15 ,
  cursor20 , cursor25 , cursor30 , cursor35 ,
  cursor40 , cursor45 , cursor50 , cursor55 ,
  cursor60 , cursor65 , cursor70 , cursor75 ,
  cursor80 , cursor85 , cursor90 , cursor95 ,
  cursor100 , Circle1 , Circle2 , Circle3 ,
  Circle4 , Circle5 , Circle6 , Circle7 ,
  Circle8 , Circle9 , Circle10 , Circle11 ,
  Circle12 , Circle13 , Circle14 , Circle15 ,
  Circle16 , Align , AlignHit , AlignHighlight ,
  Animate , AnimateHit , ArrowFrz , Attach ,
  AttachSymbol , Bevel , BGPlane , BindWSM ,
  BipPlaceHit , Blank , BoolIntersection , BoolSubtraction ,
  BoolUnion , Bubble , Camera , CameraPan ,
  Chamfer , ChamferE , ChamferV , ClipSideMove ,
  Coffee , ColorHighlight , ColorMo , Copy ,
  CreateVertex , CreateWeld , Crosshair , CrossInsert ,
  CrossSection , Cui , CurveHit , CutEdge ,
  CutFace , CutVert , CutWire , Diagram ,
  Dock , Dolly , DragOkArrow , DropNo ,
  DropOkay , DropPlus , Dropper , DropperFull ,
  Edge , EdgeExt , EditFlowCursor , Extend ,
  Extract , ExtractFromEdge , Extrude , ExtrudeVertex ,
  Falloff , Fill , Fillet , FieldOfView ,
  Float , FloatPlaceHit , ForbiddenBindWSM , Forbidden ,
  ForbiddenLink , GetFit , GetPath , GetShape ,
  HandPointer , HitAdd , HitCam , HitFrz ,
  HitHighlight , HitNormal , HitQA , HitSubtract ,
  HitCursor , HitPivot , HorizontalAxis , HorizontalSnap ,
  HorizontalMove , HotSpot , Insert , InsertIntoEdge ,
  InsertJT , InsertLK , InsideCircle , LeftFoot ,
  LeftHitRB , Link , Linker , LinkTo ,
  Lod , Magnify , MagnifyAll , MagnifyOut ,
  MiddleHitRB , MinusArrow , MinusSelection , MoveCursor ,
  MoveH , MoveW , MultipleCopy , MultipleDrop ,
  MoveSnap , NewNode , NotBipPlaceHit , NotFloatPlaceHit ,
  Normal , NoSpray , NotTrackHit , Nuscale ,
  Orbit , OutsideCircle , Outline , Paint ,
  PanHand , PanHandGrab , PanHandPointer , PanHandReady ,
  Paste , PasteOkay , Pencil , Perspective ,
  PickBindWSM , PickLink , PickPivot , PickShape ,
  Pinch , PlusArrow , PlusMinusArrow , Question ,
  QuickAlign , QuickSlice , Region , ResArrow ,
  RightFoot , RightHitRB , Roll , RotateView ,
  Scale , ScaleX , ScaleY , SegmentBreak ,
  SegmentRefine , Selection , Skeleton , SketchPick ,
  Slider , Spinner , Spray , Squash ,
  SVLink , SVNoPick , Tack , TransLK ,
  UniCopy , UniDrop , UScale , TrackDown ,
  TrackHit , Trim , VerticalAxis , VerticalConnect ,
  VerticalInsert , VerticalMove , ViewChange , Wired ,
  WiredO , Wireing , Recycle , VertSnap ,
  HoriSnap , InsideSnap , OutsideSnap , SWLook ,
  SWOrbit , SWWalk , SWWalkBack , SWWalkBackLeft ,
  SWWalkBackRight , SWWalkForward , SWWalkForwardLeft , SWWalkForwardRight ,
  SWWalkLeft , SWWalkRight , SWWalkFastB , SWWalkFastBL ,
  SWWalkFastBR , SWWalkFastF , SWWalkFastFL , SWWalkFastFR ,
  SWWalkFastL , SWWalkFastR , BlendCurveArrow , BlendCurveHit ,
  BlendSurfaceArrow , BlendSurfaceHit , CapSurfaceArrow , CapSurfaceHit ,
  CurveBreakArrow , CurveBreakHit , CurveExtendArrow , CurveExtendHit ,
  CurveFuseArrow , CurveFuseHit , CurveRefineArrow , CurveRefineHit ,
  CurveMakeFirstArrow , CurveMakeFirstHit , CurveMakeFirstHitAdd , ChamferAlternate ,
  ChamferAlternateHit , CurveJoinArrow , CurveJoinHit , CurvePointArrow ,
  CurvePointHit , CurveCVCH , CurveIntersectArrow , CurveIntersectHit ,
  CVSurf , CosArrow , CosHit , ExtrudeAlternateArrow ,
  ExtrudeAlternateHit , FilletAlternateArrow , FilletAlternateHit , FilletSurfArrow ,
  FilletSurfHit , CurveFitArrow , CurveFitHit , FitPointArrow ,
  FitPointHit , LatheArrow , LatheHit , MirrorCurveArrow ,
  MirrorCurveHit , NBLDArrow , NBLDHit , TrimNArrow ,
  TrimNHit , OffCurveArrow , OffCurveHit , Offset ,
  SurfOffArrow , SurfOffHit , ExtendArrow , ExtendHit ,
  FuseArrow , FuseHit , PointCosArrow , PointCosHit ,
  PointRefineArrow , PointRefineHit , SurfColumnArrow , SurfColumnHit ,
  SurfBothArrow , SurfBothHit , SurfRowArrow , SurfRowHit ,
  ProjectNormArrow , ProjectNormHit , ProjectVectArrow , ProjectVectHit ,
  Point , PointCurve , PointSurf , RulSurfArrow ,
  RulSurfHit , SurfBreakBothArrow , SurfBreakBothHit , SurfBreakColArrow ,
  SurfBreakColHit , SurfBreakRowArrow , SurfBreakRowHit , SurfExtendArrow ,
  SurfExtendHit , SurfFuseCVArrow , SurfFuseCVHit , SurfJoinArrow ,
  SurfJoinHit , SurfRefineBothArrow , SurfRefineBothHit , SurfRefineColArrow ,
  SurfRefineColHit , SurfRefineRowArrow , SurfRefineRowHit , Surf1RailArrow ,
  Surf1RailHit , Surf2RailArrow , Surf2RailHit , SurfEdgeArrow ,
  SurfEdgeHit , SurfOffCurveArrow , SurfOffCurveHit , SurfMirrorArrow ,
  SurfMirrorHit , SurfPointArrow , SurfPointHit , SurfCurveArrow ,
  SurfCurveHit , SurfSurfArrow , SurfSurfHit , TransCurveArrow ,
  TransCurveHit , Transform , TransSurfArrow , TransSurfHit ,
  UIsoArrow , UIsoHit , ULoftArrow , ULoftHit ,
  UVLoftArrow , UVLoftHit , VIsoArrow , VIsoHit ,
  Xform , North , NorthEast , East ,
  SouthEast , South , SouthWest , West ,
  NorthWest , Compass , XHair , Inset ,
  SelectionPlus , Invalid


DllExport HCURSOR LoadMouseCursor (ECursors id)
 Function that loads 3dsMax Cursors, using an id as parameter and LoadMouseCursor function. More...

Detailed Description

Centralized dll for all cursors in 3dsmax, consists of LoadMouseCursor function and enum of all Cursor names.