#define | INTBITS (sizeof(int) * 8) |
#define | IMGCLASSID 1 |
#define | CYCLECLASSID 2 |
#define | FLICCLASSID 5 |
#define | TARGACLASSID 6 |
#define | YUVCLASSID 7 |
#define | FBCLASSID 8 |
#define | WSDCLASSID 9 |
#define | IFLCLASSID 10 |
#define | BMPCLASSID 11 |
#define | JPEGCLASSID 12 |
#define | TARGAPLSCLASSID 13 |
#define | AVICLASSID 14 |
#define | RLACLASSID 15 |
#define | RPFCLASSID 16 |
#define | MPGCLASSID 17 |
#define | MAXOPENEXR_CLASSID Class_ID(0x12f95b5e, 0x62a60b57) |
#define | BMM_NO_TYPE 0 |
| Not allocated yet. More...
#define | BMM_LINE_ART 1 |
| 1-bit monochrome image More...
#define | BMM_PALETTED 2 |
| 8-bit paletted image. More...
#define | BMM_GRAY_8 3 |
| 8-bit grayscale bitmap. More...
#define | BMM_GRAY_16 4 |
| 16-bit grayscale bitmap. More...
#define | BMM_TRUE_16 5 |
| 16-bit true color image. More...
#define | BMM_TRUE_32 6 |
| 32-bit color: 8 bits each for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. More...
#define | BMM_TRUE_64 7 |
| 64-bit color: 16 bits each for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. More...
#define | BMM_LOGLUV_32 13 |
| This format uses a logarithmic encoding of luminance and U' and V' in the CIE perceptively uniform space. More...
#define | BMM_LOGLUV_24 14 |
| This format is similar to BMM_LOGLUV_32 except is uses smaller values to give a span of 5 order of magnitude from 1/4096 to 16 in 1.1% luminance steps. More...
#define | BMM_LOGLUV_24A 15 |
| This format is similar to BMM_LOGLUV_24, except the 8 bit alpha value is kept with the 24 bit color value in a single 32 bit word. More...
#define | BMM_REALPIX_32 16 |
| The "Real Pixel" format. More...
#define | BMM_FLOAT_RGBA_32 17 |
| 32-bit floating-point per component (non-compressed), RGB with or without alpha More...
#define | BMM_FLOAT_GRAY_32 18 |
| 32-bit floating-point (non-compressed), monochrome/grayscale More...
#define | BMM_TRUE_24 8 |
| 24-bit color: 8 bits each for Red, Green, and Blue. More...
#define | BMM_TRUE_48 9 |
| 48-bit color: 16 bits each for Red, Green, and Blue. More...
#define | BMM_YUV_422 10 |
| This is the YUV format - CCIR 601. More...
#define | BMM_BMP_4 11 |
| Windows BMP 16-bit color bitmap. More...
#define | BMM_PAD_24 12 |
| Padded 24-bit (in a 32 bit register). More...
#define | BMM_FLOAT_RGB_32 19 |
| ONLY returned by the GetStoragePtr() method of BMM_FLOAT_RGBA_32 storage, NOT an actual storage type! When GetStoragePtr() returns this type, the data should be interpreted as three floating-point values, corresponding to Red, Green, and Blue (in this order). More...
#define | BMM_FLOAT_A_32 20 |
| ONLY returned by the GetAlphaStoragePtr() method of BMM_FLOAT_RGBA_32 or BMM_FLOAT_GRAY_32 storage, NOT an actual storage type! When GetStorageAlphaPtr() returns this type, the data should be interpreted as floating-point values one value per pixel, corresponding to Alpha. More...
#define | MAX_DESCRIPTION 256 |
#define | MINGAMMA 0.2f |
#define | MAXGAMMA 5.0f |
#define | BMM_NOT_OPEN 0 |
| Not opened yet. More...
#define | BMM_OPEN_R 1 |
| Read-only. More...
#define | BMM_OPEN_W 2 |
| Write-only. More...
#define | BMMRES_SUCCESS 0 |
| Success - No error occurred. More...
| Error - Function has already taken action to process the error. More...
| The file being accessed was not found. More...
| Insufficient memory for the requested operation. More...
#define | BMMRES_NODRIVER 4 |
| Device driver responsible for image not present. More...
#define | BMMRES_IOERROR 5 |
| Input / Output error. More...
| The file being access was not of the proper format for the requested operation. More...
| The file being accessed was corrupt. More...
| Results from a goto request on a single frame image. More...
| Bad argument passed to function (Developer Mistake) More...
#define | BMMRES_RETRY 10 |
| This is returned if the user selects Retry from the 3ds Max Image IO Error dialog box. More...
| This can be passed as an error code to BitmapIO::ProcessImageIOError(). More...
| An internal error occurred. More...
| A file header error occurred. More...
| This is used internally. More...
#define | BMMRES_BADFRAME 15 |
| Invalid Frame Number Requested. More...
#define | BMMIO_NONE 0 |
| Not defined yet. More...
#define | BMMIO_READER (1<<0) |
| Reads image files. More...
#define | BMMIO_WRITER (1<<1) |
| Writes image files. More...
#define | BMMIO_EXTENSION (1<<2) |
| Uses file extension (File Filter Type) More...
#define | BMMIO_MULTIFRAME (1<<3) |
| "File" contains multiple frames (i.e. More...
#define | BMMIO_THREADED (1<<4) |
| Not used. More...
#define | BMMIO_RANDOM_ACCESS (1<<5) |
| Can read and/or write frames in any order. More...
| Device cannot handle multiple, concurrent requests (FLC, AVI, VTR's, etc) More...
#define | BMMIO_OWN_VIEWER (1<<7) |
| Driver has its own image viewer for its image type as opposed to using the generic Virtual Frame Buffer. More...
#define | BMMIO_FRAMEBUFFER (1<<7) |
| Frame Buffer Driver. More...
#define | BMMIO_GRABBER (1<<8) |
| Device Grabs Video. More...
#define | BMMIO_INFODLG (1<<9) |
| If the device is able to show its own image info dialogue this flag will be set. More...
#define | BMMIO_UNINTERRUPTIBLE (1<<10) |
| If a driver cannot be started and stopped this flag should be set. More...
#define | BMMIO_EVALMATCH (1<<11) |
| Drivers that may have a different image for a same given Max frame and same file/device name should define this and implement the EvalMatch() method. More...
#define | BMMIO_IFL (1<<28) |
| If this flag is set, instead of calling the Load() method 3ds Max calls the GetImageName() method. More...
#define | BMMIO_CONTROLREAD (1<<29) |
| There is only a single call to the plugin's control panel but the call specifies the nature of the operation going on. More...
#define | BMMIO_CONTROLWRITE (1<<30) |
| Device Driver has Control Panel for Write Operations. More...
#define | BMMIO_CONTROLGENERIC (1<<31) |
| Device Driver has a generic Control Panel. More...
#define | BMM_CLOSE_COMPLETE 0 |
| Close and save the image. More...
#define | BMM_CLOSE_ABANDON 1 |
| Many bitmap loader / savers do not make use of these flags. More...
#define | BMM_FILTER_NONE 0 |
| Specifies no filtering should be performed. More...
#define | BMM_FILTER_DUMMY 1 |
| No longer used. More...
#define | BMM_FILTER_SUM 2 |
| Specifies summed area filtering. More...
#define | BMM_FILTER_PYRAMID 3 |
| Specifies pyramidal filtering. More...
#define | BMM_FILTER_LERP_WRAP ((DWORD)(1<<0)) |
#define | BMM_FILTER_BUILD_FAILED ((DWORD)(1<<1)) |
#define | BMM_DITHER_NONE 0 |
#define | BMM_DITHER_FLOYD 1 |
#define | MAX_PYRAMID_DEPTH 12 |
#define | COPY_IMAGE_CROP 0 |
| Copy image to current map size w/cropping if necessary. More...
| This is a resize from 50x50 to 150x150 using this option. More...
| This is a resize from 50x50 to 150x150 using this option. More...
| Resize based on Image Input Options (BitmapInfo *) More...
#define | MAP_NOFLAGS ((DWORD)0) |
| The bitmap has none of the characteristics below. More...
#define | MAP_READY ((DWORD)(1<<0)) |
| This bitmap has had memory allocated to it, or is accessible directly. More...
#define | MAP_HAS_ALPHA ((DWORD)(1<<1)) |
| This flag can be checked from a BitmapInfo instance (bi.Flags()&MAP_HAS_ALPHA)), but not from a Bitmap instance (bmap->Flags() & MAP_HAS_ALPHA). More...
| The bitmap has pre-multiplied alpha. More...
#define | MAP_PALETTED ((DWORD)(1<<3)) |
| The bitmap uses a palette (not true color). More...
#define | MAP_FRAME_SYSTEM_LOCKED ((DWORD)(1<<4)) |
| This flag is no longer used. More...
#define | MAP_DITHERED ((DWORD)(1<<5)) |
| The bitmap is dithered. More...
#define | MAP_FLIPPED ((DWORD)(1<<6)) |
| The bitmap is flipped horizontally. More...
#define | MAP_INVERTED ((DWORD)(1<<7)) |
| The bitmap is flipped vertically. More...
#define | MAP_USE_SCALE_COLORS ((DWORD)(1<<10)) |
| Scale colors when high dynamic range values are out of gamut. More...
#define | MAP_PROXY ((DWORD)(1<<11)) |
| When the proxy flag is set, the BitmapInfo is called a proxy info. More...
#define | MAP_PROXYREQUEST ((DWORD)(1<<12)) |
| When the proxy request flag is set, the BitmapInfo is called a request info. More...
#define | MAP_WAS_UPDATED ((DWORD)(1<<28)) |
| This flag indicates that PutPixels() was called and the Bitmap has been updated with new data. More...
#define | MAP_HAS_BGIMAGE ((DWORD)(1<<29)) |
| internal use only More...
#define | MAP_LEGAL_DELETE ((DWORD)(1<<30)) |
| internal use only More...
#define | MAP_VIEW_FILTERED ((DWORD)(1<<31)) |
| Test stuff. More...
#define | BMM_PROGRESS WM_USER + 0x120 |
#define | BMM_CHECKABORT WM_USER + 0x121 |
#define | BMM_TEXTMSG WM_USER + 0x122 |
#define | BMM_UNDEF_FRAME 0x7FFF0000 |
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_GAMMA ((DWORD)(1 << 0)) |
| Flags that a Custom gamma is used. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_SIZE ((DWORD)(1 << 1)) |
| Custom size setting. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_RESFIT ((DWORD)(1 << 2)) |
| Bitmap is to be resized. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POS ((DWORD)(1 << 3)) |
| Bitmap has a custom positioning. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_FILEGAMMA ((DWORD)(1 << 4)) |
| This flags if a loaded bitmap's gamma came from file, as well as flags the "Automatic" gamma correction mode for file load and save. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_IFLENUMFILES ((DWORD)(1 << 5)) |
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_HDR_TYPE ((DWORD)(1 << 6)) |
| Internal Use Only. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_INFERREDGAMMA ((DWORD)(1 << 8)) |
| Additional flag to BMM_CUSTOM_FILEGAMMA. Did gamma actuallly come from data stored in the file, or was it inferred from the file type? More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_NOGAMMAUI ((DWORD)(1 << 9)) |
| Settings this flag causes the Bitmap file dialog to gray out the Gamma UI. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSNW 0 |
| Top Left. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSN 1 |
| Top Center. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSNE 2 |
| Top Right. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSW 3 |
| Middle Left. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSCN 4 |
| Center. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSE 5 |
| Middle Right. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSSW 6 |
| Bottom Left. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSS 7 |
| Bottom Center. More...
#define | BMM_CUSTOM_POSSE 8 |
| Bottom Right. More...
#define | BMM_SEQ_WRAP 0 |
#define | BMM_SEQ_ERROR 1 |
#define | BMM_SEQ_HOLD 2 |
#define | BMM_CHANNEL_RED 0 |
#define | BMM_CHANNEL_GREEN 1 |
#define | BMM_CHANNEL_BLUE 3 |
#define | BMM_CHANNEL_ALPHA 4 |
#define | BMM_CHANNEL_Z 5 |
#define | BMM_SINGLEFRAME -2000000L |
#define | BMM_UL 1 |
#define | BMM_LL 2 |
#define | BMM_UR 3 |
#define | BMM_LR 4 |
#define | BMM_CN 5 |
#define | BMM_RND 10 |
#define | BMM_VPP 11 |
#define | BMM_VPS 12 |
#define | LG_NOLOG 0 |
#define | LG_FATAL ((DWORD)(1 << 0)) |
#define | LG_INFO ((DWORD)(1 << 1)) |
#define | LG_DEBUG ((DWORD)(1 << 2)) |
#define | LG_WARN ((DWORD)(1 << 3)) |
#define | BMM_DO_SAVE_REGION 2 |
#define | FPBITMAPPROXYMANAGER_INTERFACE_ID Interface_ID(0x24e22528, 0x601f3610) |
| Interface ID of the IBitmapProxyManager interface. More...
#define | BMM_ASSET_GROUP 1 |
| Bitmap asset declaration flags. More...
#define | BMM_ASSET_PROXY 2 |
| The declared bitmap is proxy enabled. More...
#define | BITMAP_IOLAYER_CLASS Interface_ID(0x296b79ec,0x73e11944) |
#define | LAYER_INTERFACE Interface_ID(0x1563269c,0x7ec41d89) |
#define | I_LAYER_INTERFACE 0x000A1001 |
#define | IBITMAPPAGER_INTERFACE_ID Interface_ID(0x48e1041f, 0x34c86c51) |
| Interface ID of the IBitmapPager interface. More...
#define | BITMAPIOMETADATA_INTERFACE_ID Interface_ID(0x56507912, 0x7e3c56db) |
| Interface ID of the BitmapIOMetaData interface. More...
BMMExport IBitmapProxyManager * | GetBitmapProxyManager () |
| Returns the Bitmap Proxy Manager singleton object. More...
BMMExport void | DeclareBitmapAsset (IEnumAuxAssetsCallback &enumCallback, IAssetAccessor &anAccessor, BitmapInfo *bitmapInfo, int flags=0) |
| Declare a bitmap asset accessor to the specified callback. More...
int | ValidBitmapType (int type) |
BMMExport BitmapStorage * | BMMCreateStorage (BitmapManager *manager, UINT type) |
BMMExport BitmapFilter * | BMMCreateFilter (BitmapManager *manager, UINT type) |
BMMExport BitmapDither * | BMMCreateDither (BitmapManager *manager, UINT type) |
BMMExport int | BMMCalcPalette (Bitmap *map, int colors, BMM_Color_48 *palette) |
BMMExport BYTE | BMMClosestColor (BMM_Color_64 *color, BMM_Color_48 *palette, int colors) |
BMMExport const MCHAR * | BMMGetBitmapTypeDescription (int bitmapType, DWORD bitmapFlags) |
BMMExport void | OpenBMM (BMMInterface *i) |
BMMExport void | CloseBMM () |
INT_PTR CALLBACK | BMMGammaDlgProc (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
void | ExtractExtension (const MCHAR *string, MCHAR *ext, size_t extSize) |
BMMExport int | BMMCreateNumberedFilename (const MCHAR *namein, int frame, MCHAR *nameout) |
| Create a filename appended by the specified frame number. More...
BMMExport int | BMMFindNumberedFilenames (const MaxSDK::Util::Path &baseFilename, MaxSDK::Array< MaxSDK::Util::Path > &foundFiles) |
| Retrieve a list of existing files in a sequence that matches the base filename and numbering of the specified filename. More...
BMMExport int | BMMGetFullFilename (BitmapInfo *bi) |
| These functions search the system for a bitmap. More...
BMMExport BOOL | BMMGetFullFilename (const MCHAR *namein, MCHAR *nameout, size_t nameoutSize) |
BMMExport BOOL | BMMIsFile (const MCHAR *filename) |
BMMExport void | BMMSplitFilename (const MCHAR *name, MCHAR *directory, size_t directorySize, MCHAR *filename, size_t filenameSize, MCHAR *extension, size_t extensionSize) |
| Splits up a file path into three strings, the directory name, file name, and file extension. More...
BMMExport LPMSTR | BMMGetLastErrorText (LPMSTR lpszBuf, DWORD dwSize) |
BMMExport Quantizer * | BMMNewQuantizer () |
BMMExport void | BMMAppendSlash (MCHAR *path) |
| This function appends a slash character to the end of the path passed unless one already exists. More...
BMMExport void | BMMRemoveSlash (MCHAR *path) |
| This function removes the slash character from the end of the path passed if present. More...
BMMExport void | BMMAppendSlash (MSTR &path) |
| This function appends a slash character to the end of the path passed unless one already exists. More...
BMMExport void | BMMRemoveSlash (MSTR &path) |
| This function removes the slash character from the end of the path passed if present. More...
BMMExport BOOL | BMMGetUniversalName (MCHAR *out_uncname, size_t in_uncnameSize, const MCHAR *in_path) |
BMMExport BOOL | BMMFindNetworkShare (const MCHAR *in_localpath, MCHAR *out_sharename, MCHAR *out_sharepath) |
BMMExport BOOL | BMMGetLocalShare (const MCHAR *local_path, MCHAR *share) |
BMMExport ColorPacker * | BMMNewColorPacker (int w, BMM_Color_48 *pal, int npal, BYTE *remap=NULL) |
BMMExport void | FixPaletteForWindows (BMM_Color_48 *pal, BMM_Color_48 *newpal, int ncols, BYTE *remap=NULL) |
IBitmapPager * | GetIBitmapPager () |
| Returns the Bitmap Pager singleton object. More...
Contains classes and utilities for reading and writing images.