| FN_2 (epfn_hide, TYPE_bool, EpfnHide, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_unhide_all, TYPE_bool, EpfnUnhideAll, TYPE_INT) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_named_selection_copy, EpfnNamedSelectionCopy, TYPE_STRING) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_named_selection_paste, EpfnNamedSelectionPaste, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_3 (epfn_create_vertex, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnCreateVertex, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_bool, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_3 (epfn_create_edge, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnCreateEdge, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_2 (epfn_create_face, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnCreateFace2, TYPE_INDEX_TAB, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_2 (epfn_cap_holes, TYPE_bool, EpfnCapHoles, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_3 (epfn_delete, TYPE_bool, EpfnDelete, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_bool) |
| VFNT_2 (epfn_attach, EpfnAttach, TYPE_INODE, TYPE_INODE) |
| FN_3 (epfn_detach_to_element, TYPE_bool, EpfnDetachToElement, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_1 (epfn_split_edges, TYPE_bool, EpfnSplitEdges, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_break_verts, TYPE_bool, EpfnBreakVerts, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_3 (epfn_divide_face, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnDivideFace, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_FLOAT_TAB_BR, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_3 (epfn_divide_face2, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnDivideFace, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_FLOAT_TAB_BR, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_3 (epfn_divide_edge, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnDivideEdge, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_3 (epfn_divide_edge2, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnDivideEdge, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_2 (epfn_collapse, TYPE_bool, EpfnCollapse, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFNT_2 (epfn_extrude_faces, EpfnExtrudeFaces, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFNT_3 (epfn_bevel_faces, EpfnBevelFaces, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFNT_1 (epfn_chamfer_vertices, EpfnChamferVertices, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| VFNT_1 (epfn_chamfer_edges, EpfnChamferEdges, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| FN_4 (epfn_slice, TYPE_bool, EpfnSlice, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_bool, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_0 (epfn_in_slice_plane_mode, TYPE_bool, EpfnInSlicePlaneMode) |
| FN_3 (epfn_cut_vertex, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnCutVertex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_4 (epfn_cut_face, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnCutFace, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_3 (epfn_weld_verts, TYPE_bool, EpfnWeldVerts, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_2 (epfn_weld_edges, TYPE_bool, EpfnWeldEdges, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (epfn_weld_flagged_verts, TYPE_bool, EpfnWeldFlaggedVerts, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_weld_flagged_edges, TYPE_bool, EpfnWeldFlaggedEdges, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_4 (epfn_create_shape, TYPE_bool, EpfnCreateShape, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_bool, TYPE_INODE, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FNT_2 (epfn_make_planar, TYPE_bool, EpfnMakePlanar, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FNT_4 (epfn_move_to_plane, TYPE_bool, EpfnMoveToPlane, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_2 (epfn_align_to_grid, TYPE_bool, EpfnAlignToGrid, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_2 (epfn_align_to_view, TYPE_bool, EpfnAlignToView, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_0 (epfn_delete_iso_verts, TYPE_bool, EpfnDeleteIsoVerts) |
| FN_2 (epfn_meshsmooth, TYPE_bool, EpfnMeshSmooth, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_2 (epfn_tessellate, TYPE_bool, EpfnTessellate, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_force_subdivision, EpfnForceSubdivision) |
| VFN_3 (epfn_set_diagonal, EpfnSetDiagonal, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (epfn_retriangulate, TYPE_bool, EpfnRetriangulate, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_flip_normals, TYPE_bool, EpfnFlipNormals, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFNT_2 (epfn_select_by_mat, EpfnSelectByMat, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_bool) |
| VFNT_2 (epfn_select_by_smooth_group, EpfnSelectBySmoothGroup, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_bool) |
| VFNT_0 (epfn_autosmooth, EpfnAutoSmooth) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_button_op, EpActionButtonOp, TYPE_ENUM) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_toggle_command_mode, EpActionToggleCommandMode, TYPE_ENUM) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_command_mode, TYPE_ENUM, EpActionGetCommandMode) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_enter_pick_mode, EpActionEnterPickMode, TYPE_ENUM) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_pick_mode, TYPE_ENUM, EpActionGetPickMode) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_exit_command_modes, EpActionExitCommandModes) |
| FN_3 (epfn_get_vertices_by_flag, TYPE_bool, EpGetVerticesByFlag, TYPE_BITARRAY_BR, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_3 (epfn_get_edges_by_flag, TYPE_bool, EpGetEdgesByFlag, TYPE_BITARRAY_BR, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_3 (epfn_get_faces_by_flag, TYPE_bool, EpGetFacesByFlag, TYPE_BITARRAY_BR, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFN_4 (epfn_set_vertex_flags, EpSetVertexFlags, TYPE_BITARRAY_BR, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_4 (epfn_set_edge_flags, EpSetEdgeFlags, TYPE_BITARRAY_BR, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_4 (epfn_set_face_flags, EpSetFaceFlags, TYPE_BITARRAY_BR, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_reset_slice_plane, EpResetSlicePlane) |
| VFN_3 (epfn_get_slice_plane, EpGetSlicePlane, TYPE_POINT3_BR, TYPE_POINT3_BR, TYPE_FLOAT_BP) |
| VFN_3 (epfn_set_slice_plane, EpSetSlicePlane, TYPE_POINT3_BR, TYPE_POINT3_BR, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| FNT_4 (epfn_get_vertex_data, TYPE_FLOAT, GetVertexDataValue, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT_BP, TYPE_bool_BP, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FNT_4 (epfn_get_edge_data, TYPE_FLOAT, GetEdgeDataValue, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT_BP, TYPE_bool_BP, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFNT_3 (epfn_set_vertex_data, SetVertexDataValue, TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFNT_3 (epfn_set_edge_data, SetEdgeDataValue, TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_reset_vertex_data, ResetVertexData, TYPE_INT) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_reset_edge_data, ResetEdgeData, TYPE_INT) |
| VFN_2 (epfn_begin_modify_perdata, BeginPerDataModify, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT) |
| FN_0 (epfn_in_modify_perdata, TYPE_bool, InPerDataModify) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_end_modify_perdata, EndPerDataModify, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_vertex_color, TYPE_COLOR_BV, EpFnGetVertexColor, TYPE_ENUM) |
| VFN_2 (epfn_set_vertex_color, EpFnSetVertexColor, TYPE_COLOR, TYPE_ENUM) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_face_color, TYPE_COLOR_BV, EpFnGetFaceColor, TYPE_ENUM) |
| VFN_2 (epfn_set_face_color, EpFnSetFaceColor, TYPE_COLOR, TYPE_ENUM) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_mat_index, TYPE_INDEX, GetMatIndex, TYPE_bool_BP) |
| VFN_2 (epfn_set_mat_index, SetMatIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFN_3 (epfn_get_smoothing_groups, GetSmoothingGroups, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD_BP, TYPE_DWORD_BP) |
| VFN_3 (epfn_set_smoothing_groups, SetSmoothBits, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_collapse_dead_structs, CollapseDeadStructs) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_collapse_dead_structs_spelled_right, CollapseDeadStructs) |
| FN_7 (epfn_propagate_component_flags, TYPE_INT, EpfnPropagateComponentFlags, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_INT, TYPE_DWORD, TYPE_bool, TYPE_bool, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_preview_begin, EpPreviewBegin, TYPE_ENUM) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_preview_cancel, EpPreviewCancel) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_preview_accept, EpPreviewAccept) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_preview_invalidate, EpPreviewInvalidate) |
| FN_0 (epfn_preview_on, TYPE_bool, EpPreviewOn) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_preview_set_dragging, EpPreviewSetDragging, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_0 (epfn_preview_get_dragging, TYPE_bool, EpPreviewGetDragging) |
| FN_1 (epfn_popup_dialog, TYPE_bool, EpfnPopupDialog, TYPE_ENUM) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_close_popup_dialog, EpfnClosePopupDialog) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_repeat_last, EpfnRepeatLastOperation) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_grow_selection, EpfnGrowSelection, TYPE_ENUM) |
| VFN_1 (epfn_shrink_selection, EpfnShrinkSelection, TYPE_ENUM) |
| FN_3 (epfn_convert_selection, TYPE_INT, EpfnConvertSelection, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_select_border, EpfnSelectBorder) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_select_element, EpfnSelectElement) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_select_edge_loop, EpfnSelectEdgeLoop) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_select_edge_ring, EpfnSelectEdgeRing) |
| FN_2 (epfn_remove, TYPE_bool, EpfnRemove, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_0 (epfn_delete_iso_map_verts, TYPE_bool, EpfnDeleteIsoMapVerts) |
| FN_1 (epfn_outline, TYPE_bool, EpfnOutline, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_connect_edges, TYPE_bool, EpfnConnectEdges, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_connect_vertices, TYPE_bool, EpfnConnectVertices, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_extrude_along_spline, TYPE_bool, EpfnExtrudeAlongSpline, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_lift_from_edge, TYPE_bool, EpfnLiftFromEdge, TYPE_DWORD) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_toggle_shaded_faces, EpfnToggleShadedFaces) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_epoly_sel_level, TYPE_ENUM, GetEPolySelLevel) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_mn_sel_level, TYPE_ENUM, GetMNSelLevel) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_selection, TYPE_BITARRAY, EpfnGetSelection, TYPE_ENUM) |
| VFN_2 (epfn_set_selection, EpfnSetSelection, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_BITARRAY) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_num_vertices, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetNumVertices) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_vertex, TYPE_POINT3_BV, EpfnGetVertex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_vertex_face_count, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetVertexFaceCount, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_2 (epfn_get_vertex_face, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnGetVertexFace, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_vertex_edge_count, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetVertexEdgeCount, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_2 (epfn_get_vertex_edge, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnGetVertexEdge, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_num_edges, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetNumEdges) |
| FN_2 (epfn_get_edge_vertex, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnGetEdgeVertex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_2 (epfn_get_edge_face, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnGetEdgeFace, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_num_faces, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetNumFaces) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_face_degree, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetFaceDegree, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_2 (epfn_get_face_vertex, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnGetFaceVertex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_2 (epfn_get_face_edge, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnGetFaceEdge, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_face_material, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnGetFaceMaterial, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_face_smoothing_group, TYPE_DWORD, EpfnGetFaceSmoothingGroup, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_num_map_channels, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetNumMapChannels) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_map_channel_active, TYPE_bool, EpfnGetMapChannelActive, TYPE_INT) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_num_map_vertices, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetNumMapVertices, TYPE_INT) |
| FN_2 (epfn_get_map_vertex, TYPE_POINT3_BV, EpfnGetMapVertex, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_3 (epfn_get_map_face_vertex, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetMapFaceVertex, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_3 (epfn_get_map_face_vert, TYPE_INDEX, EpfnGetMapFaceVertex, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_2 (epfn_bridge, TYPE_bool, EpfnBridge, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_2 (epfn_ready_to_bridge_selected, TYPE_bool, EpfnReadyToBridgeFlagged, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_2 (epfn_turn_diagonal, TYPE_bool, EpfnTurnDiagonal, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FNT_2 (epfn_relax, TYPE_bool, EpfnRelax, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FNT_3 (epfn_make_planar_in, TYPE_bool, EpfnMakePlanarIn, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (epfn_get_preserve_map, TYPE_bool, EpfnGetPreserveMap, TYPE_INT) |
| VFN_2 (epfn_set_preserve_map, EpfnSetPreserveMap, TYPE_INT, TYPE_bool) |
| VFNT_2 (epfn_chamfer_vertices_open, EpfnChamferVerticesOpen, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_bool) |
| VFNT_2 (epfn_chamfer_edges_open, EpfnChamferEdgesOpen, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_3 (epfn_set_ring_shift, EpfnSetRingShift, TYPE_INT, TYPE_bool, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_3 (epfn_set_loop_shift, EpfnSetLoopShift, TYPE_INT, TYPE_bool, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_2 (epfn_convert_selection_to_border, TYPE_INT, EpfnConvertSelectionToBorder, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_ENUM) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_paintdeform_commit, EpfnPaintDeformCommit) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_paintdeform_cancel, EpfnPaintDeformCancel) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_smgrp_floater, SmGrpFloater) |
| FN_0 (epfn_smgrp_floatervisible, TYPE_BOOL, SmGrpFloaterVisible) |
| VFN_0 (epfn_matid_floater, MatIDFloater) |
| FN_0 (epfn_matid_floatervisible, TYPE_BOOL, MatIDFloaterVisible) |
| FN_0 (epfn_get_last_operation, TYPE_INT, EpfnGetLastOperation) |
FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc () |
virtual MNMesh * | GetMeshPtr () |
virtual IParamBlock2 * | getParamBlock () |
virtual int | EpActionGetCommandMode () |
| Retrieves the current EPoly command mode in use, if any. More...
virtual int | EpActionGetPickMode () |
| Retrieves the current EPoly pick mode in use, if any. More...
virtual void | EpfnChamferVerticesOpen (float in_amount, bool in_open, TimeValue in_time) |
| Chamfer vertices, creating a whole between the chamfered vertices. More...
virtual void | EpfnChamferEdgesOpen (float in_amount, bool in_open, TimeValue in_time) |
| Chamfer edges, creating a whole between the chamfered edges. More...
virtual void | EpfnSetRingShift (int in_newPos, bool in_moveOnly, bool in_add) |
| Changes the edge selection , in the ring direction. More...
virtual void | EpfnSetLoopShift (int in_newPos, bool in_moveOnly, bool in_add) |
| Changes the edge selection , in the loop direction. More...
virtual int | EpfnConvertSelectionToBorder (int in_epSelLevelFrom, int in_epSelLevelTo) |
| Converts current sub-object selection to the specified sub-object border. More...
virtual void | EpfnPaintDeformCommit () |
| Commits any Paint Deformation as if pressing the Commit button. More...
virtual void | EpfnPaintDeformCancel () |
| Cancels any Paint Deformation as if pressing the Cancel button. More...
virtual void | CloseSmGrpFloater () |
| Closes the Smooth Group Floater Floater dialog. More...
virtual void | CloseMatIDFloater () |
| Closes the Material ID Floater dialog. More...
virtual HWND | MatIDFloaterHWND () |
| Returns the Material ID Floater dialog handle. More...
virtual HWND | SmGrpFloaterHWND () |
| Returns the Smooth Group Floater dialog handle. More...
virtual void | SmGrpFloater ()=0 |
| Brings up the Smooting Group floater dialog. If it is already up it closes it. More...
virtual void | MatIDFloater ()=0 |
| Brings up the Material ID floater dialog. If it is already up it closes it. More...
virtual BOOL | MatIDFloaterVisible ()=0 |
| Returns whether the Material ID floater dialog is up. More...
virtual BOOL | SmGrpFloaterVisible ()=0 |
| Returns whether the Smooting Group floater dialog is up. More...
virtual void | LocalDataChanged (ChannelMask channels) |
virtual void | InvalidateSoftSelectionCache () |
virtual void | InvalidateDistanceCache () |
virtual void | RefreshScreen () |
virtual bool | Editing () |
virtual int | GetEPolySelLevel () |
virtual int | GetMNSelLevel () |
virtual void | SetEPolySelLevel (int level) |
virtual bool | EpGetVerticesByFlag (BitArray &vset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0) |
virtual bool | EpGetEdgesByFlag (BitArray &eset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0) |
virtual bool | EpGetFacesByFlag (BitArray &fset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0) |
virtual void | EpSetVertexFlags (BitArray &vset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0, bool undoable=true) |
virtual void | EpSetEdgeFlags (BitArray &eset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0, bool undoable=true) |
virtual void | EpSetFaceFlags (BitArray &fset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0, bool undoable=true) |
These methods allow developers to simulate clicking the buttons available in the UI.
Some buttons in Editable Poly such as "Delete", complete an operation when clicked. Others, such as "Create", enter into an interactive command mode when they are clicked.
virtual void | EpActionButtonOp (int opcode) |
virtual void | EpActionToggleCommandMode (int mode) |
virtual void | EpActionEnterPickMode (int mode) |
virtual void | EpActionExitCommandModes () |
virtual void | MoveSelection (int level, TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Point3 &val, BOOL localOrigin) |
virtual void | RotateSelection (int level, TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Quat &val, BOOL localOrigin) |
virtual void | ScaleSelection (int level, TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Point3 &val, BOOL localOrigin) |
virtual void | ApplyDelta (Tab< Point3 > &delta, EPoly *epol, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpResetSlicePlane () |
virtual void | EpGetSlicePlane (Point3 &planeNormal, Point3 &planeCenter, float *planeSize=NULL) |
virtual void | EpSetSlicePlane (Point3 &planeNormal, Point3 &planeCenter, float planeSize) |
virtual Color | GetVertexColor (bool *uniform=NULL, int *num=NULL, int mp=0, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0) |
virtual void | SetVertexColor (Color clr, int mp=0, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0) |
virtual Color | GetFaceColor (bool *uniform=NULL, int *num=NULL, int mp=0, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0) |
virtual void | SetFaceColor (Color clr, int mp=0, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0) |
virtual float | GetVertexDataValue (int channel, int *numSel, bool *uniform, DWORD vertexFlags, TimeValue t) |
virtual float | GetEdgeDataValue (int channel, int *numSel, bool *uniform, DWORD edgeFlags, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetVertexDataValue (int channel, float w, DWORD vertexFlags, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetEdgeDataValue (int channel, float w, DWORD edgeFlags, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | ResetVertexData (int channel) |
virtual void | ResetEdgeData (int channel) |
virtual void | BeginPerDataModify (int mnSelLevel, int channel) |
virtual bool | InPerDataModify () |
virtual void | EndPerDataModify (bool success) |
virtual void | BeginVertexColorModify (int mp=0) |
virtual bool | InVertexColorModify () |
virtual void | EndVertexColorModify (bool success) |
virtual int | GetMatIndex (bool *determined) |
virtual void | SetMatIndex (int index, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual void | GetSmoothingGroups (DWORD faceFlag, DWORD *anyFaces, DWORD *allFaces=NULL) |
virtual void | SetSmoothBits (DWORD bits, DWORD bitmask, DWORD flag) |
virtual void | SetDisplacementParams () |
virtual void | UpdateDisplacementParams () |
virtual void | UseDisplacementPreset (int presetNumber) |
virtual void | EpfnBeginExtrude (int msl, DWORD flag, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnEndExtrude (bool accept, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnDragExtrude (float amount, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnBeginBevel (int msl, DWORD flag, bool doExtrude, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnEndBevel (bool accept, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnDragBevel (float outline, float height, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnBeginChamfer (int msl, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnEndChamfer (bool accept, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnDragChamfer (float amount, TimeValue t) |
virtual bool | EpfnHide (int msl, DWORD flags) |
virtual bool | EpfnUnhideAll (int msl) |
virtual void | EpfnNamedSelectionCopy (MSTR setName) |
virtual void | EpfnNamedSelectionPaste (bool useDlgToRename) |
virtual int | EpfnCreateVertex (Point3 pt, bool pt_local=false, bool select=true) |
virtual int | EpfnCreateEdge (int v1, int v2, bool select=true) |
virtual int | EpfnCreateFace (int *v, int deg, bool select=true) |
virtual bool | EpfnCapHoles (int msl=MNM_SL_EDGE, DWORD targetFlags=MN_SEL) |
virtual bool | EpfnDelete (int msl, DWORD delFlag=MN_SEL, bool delIsoVerts=false) |
virtual void | EpfnAttach (INode *node, bool &canUndo, INode *myNode, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnMultiAttach (INodeTab &nodeTab, INode *myNode, TimeValue t) |
virtual bool | EpfnDetachToElement (int msl, DWORD flag, bool keepOriginal) |
virtual bool | EpfnDetachToObject (MSTR name, int msl, DWORD flag, bool keepOriginal, INode *myNode, TimeValue t) |
virtual bool | EpfnSplitEdges (DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual bool | EpfnBreakVerts (DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual int | EpfnDivideFace (int face, Tab< float > &bary, bool select=true) |
virtual int | EpfnDivideEdge (int edge, float prop, bool select=true) |
virtual bool | EpfnCollapse (int msl, DWORD flag) |
virtual void | EpfnExtrudeFaces (float amount, DWORD flag, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnBevelFaces (float height, float outline, DWORD flag, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnChamferVertices (float amount, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnChamferEdges (float amount, TimeValue t) |
virtual bool | EpfnSlice (Point3 planeNormal, Point3 planeCenter, bool flaggedFacesOnly=false, DWORD faceFlags=MN_SEL) |
virtual bool | EpfnInSlicePlaneMode () |
virtual int | EpfnCutVertex (int startv, Point3 destination, Point3 projDir) |
virtual int | EpfnCutEdge (int e1, float prop1, int e2, float prop2, Point3 projDir) |
virtual int | EpfnCutFace (int f1, Point3 p1, Point3 p2, Point3 projDir) |
virtual bool | EpfnWeldVerts (int vert1, int vert2, Point3 destination) |
virtual bool | EpfnWeldEdges (int edge1, int edge2) |
virtual bool | EpfnWeldFlaggedVerts (DWORD flag) |
virtual bool | EpfnWeldFlaggedEdges (DWORD flag) |
virtual bool | EpfnCreateShape (MSTR name, bool smooth, INode *myNode, DWORD edgeFlag=MN_SEL) |
virtual bool | EpfnMakePlanar (int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0) |
virtual bool | EpfnMoveToPlane (Point3 planeNormal, float planeOffset, int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0) |
virtual bool | EpfnAlignToGrid (int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual bool | EpfnAlignToView (int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual bool | EpfnDeleteIsoVerts () |
virtual bool | EpfnMeshSmooth (int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual bool | EpfnTessellate (int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual void | EpfnForceSubdivision () |
virtual void | EpfnSelectVertByColor (BOOL add, BOOL sub, int mp=0, TimeValue t=0) |
virtual void | EpfnSetDiagonal (int face, int corner1, int corner2) |
virtual bool | EpfnRetriangulate (DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual bool | EpfnFlipNormals (DWORD flag=MN_SEL) |
virtual void | EpfnSelectByMat (int index, bool clear, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnSelectBySmoothGroup (DWORD bits, BOOL clear, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | EpfnAutoSmooth (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | CollapseDeadStructs () |
virtual int | EpfnPropagateComponentFlags (int slTo, DWORD flTo, int slFrom, DWORD flFrom, bool ampersand=FALSE, bool set=TRUE, bool undoable=FALSE) |
| FPMixinInterface () |
virtual LifetimeType | LifetimeControl () |
virtual CoreExport bool | RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual void | UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
CoreExport | ~FPMixinInterface () |
virtual BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
virtual FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDescByID (Interface_ID id) |
virtual Interface_ID | GetID () |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t=0, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPParams *params) |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | FindFn (const MCHAR *name) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual ActionTable * | GetActionTable () |
virtual void | EnableActions (BOOL onOff) |
virtual UtilExport | ~BaseInterface () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual BaseInterface * | AcquireInterface () |
virtual void | ReleaseInterface () |
virtual void | DeleteInterface () |
virtual BaseInterface * | CloneInterface (void *remapDir=NULL) |
virtual UtilExport | ~InterfaceServer () |
| Destructor. More...
template<class InterfaceType > |
InterfaceType * | GetTypedInterface () |
enum | LifetimeType { noRelease
, immediateRelease
, wantsRelease
, serverControlled
} |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size) |
| Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
| Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line) |
| New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
| New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
| New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags) |
| New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
| New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size) |
| New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
| New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line) |
| New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
| New operator used to allocate arrays of objects. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
| New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags) |
| New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
| New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
| Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
| Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
| Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
| Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
| Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr) |
| Placement new operator. More...
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr) |
| Placement delete operator. More...
static UtilExport void * | aligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment) |
| Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. More...
static UtilExport void * | aligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment) |
| Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. More...
static UtilExport void | aligned_free (void *ptr) |
| Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc. More...
static CoreExport FPInterfaceDesc | nullInterface |
| FPMixinInterface (const FPMixinInterface &rhs) |
FPMixinInterface & | operator= (const FPMixinInterface &rhs) |
virtual FPStatus | _dispatch_fn (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *p) |
Tab< InterfaceNotifyCallback * > * | interfaceNotifyCBs |