3ds Max C++ API Reference
PathConfigDropType Class Reference

A DropType class specific to path configuration files. More...

#include <idraganddrop.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for PathConfigDropType:

Public Member Functions

int TypeCode ()
 Returns the drop type ID. More...
CoreExport bool CheckDropType (const MCHAR *filename)
 Checks to see if the passed in file is handled by this drop type. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FileDropType
 FileDropType ()
bool IsDropType (int code)
CoreExport bool Load (bool showProgress=true)
STDMETHODIMP GetDataHere (FORMATETC *pFormatetc, STGMEDIUM *pmedium)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DropType
 DropType ()
virtual CoreExport ~DropType ()
virtual DWORD DropEffect ()
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface (REFIID iid, void **ppvObject)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) AddRef(void)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) Release(void)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP GetData (FORMATETC *pFormatetc, STGMEDIUM *pmedium)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP GetDataHere (FORMATETC *pFormatetc, STGMEDIUM *pmedium)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP QueryGetData (FORMATETC *pFormatetc)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP GetCanonicalFormatEtc (FORMATETC *pFormatetcIn, FORMATETC *pFormatetcOut)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP SetData (FORMATETC *pFormatetc, STGMEDIUM *pmedium, BOOL fRelease)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDirection, IEnumFORMATETC **ppenumFormatetc)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP DAdvise (FORMATETC *pFormatetc, DWORD advf, IAdviseSink *pAdvSink, DWORD *pdwConnection)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP DUnadvise (DWORD dwConnection)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP EnumDAdvise (IEnumSTATDATA **ppenumAdvise)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP QueryContinueDrag (BOOL fEscapePressed, DWORD grfKeyState)
CoreExport STDMETHODIMP GiveFeedback (DWORD dwEffect)
virtual CoreExport void InitDragDropCheck (LPARAM mousePt, WPARAM keyState, HWND hwnd)
virtual CoreExport void CancelDragDropCheck ()
virtual CoreExport bool DragDropCheck (LPARAM mousePt, WPARAM keyState, DWORD allowedEffects)
virtual CoreExport bool ReadyToDrag ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FileDropType
static void Init ()
static CoreExport FileDropTypeFindDropType (const MCHAR *filename, IDataObject *pDataObject=NULL)
static CoreExport bool DownloadPackage (URLTab &package, const MCHAR *szDirectory, HWND hwnd=NULL, bool showProgress=true)
static CoreExport const MCHARGetDownloadDirectory ()
static CoreExport void SetDragSetting (MCHAR *setting)
static CoreExport const MCHARGetDragSetting ()
static CoreExport bool DownloadUrlToDisk (HWND hwnd, const MCHAR *szUrl, const MCHAR *szPathname, DWORD flags=0)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DropType
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MaxHeapOperators
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement new operator. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement delete operator. More...
static UtilExport voidaligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. More...
static UtilExport voidaligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. More...
static UtilExport void aligned_free (void *ptr)
 Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FileDropType
static CoreExport URLTab current_package
- Static Public Attributes inherited from DropType
static CoreExport IDataObject * current_dataobject
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from FileDropType
static CoreExport bool CheckForCachedFile (const MCHAR *filename)
static CoreExport bool IsInternetCachedFile (const MCHAR *filename)
static CoreExport bool AppendUrlFilename (const MCHAR *szUrl, MSTR &pathname, bool &is_URL)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from FileDropType
static CoreExport Tab< FileDropType * > fileDropTypes
static CoreExport MSTR download_directory
static CoreExport MSTR drag_setting
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from DropType
static CoreExport IDragAndDropMgrdndMgr
static CoreExport bool dragging
static CoreExport POINT startPt
static CoreExport WPARAM startKeyState
static CoreExport HWND startWnd
static CoreExport bool loaded

Detailed Description

A DropType class specific to path configuration files.

Used by the DragAndDropManager to help determine the type of operation that should be performed given a specific drop operation.

Member Function Documentation

◆ TypeCode()

int TypeCode ( )

Returns the drop type ID.

Reimplemented from FileDropType.

1383 { return PATHFILE_DROPTYPE; }
The path type.
Definition: idraganddrop.h:870

◆ CheckDropType()

CoreExport bool CheckDropType ( const MCHAR filename)

Checks to see if the passed in file is handled by this drop type.

This methods checks if this is a path configuration file, by examining the file's extension. ( == .mxp)

[in]filenameThe filename of the file dropped.
true if this is a .mxp file

Reimplemented from FileDropType.