3ds Max C++ API Reference
Trajectory Path coloring values


enum  PathColoringType { kNoGradation = 0 , kUIColor = 1 , kWireColor = 2 , kSpeed = 3 }

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ PathColoringType


plain line, in the color defined by 'Trajectory' in the Gizmos section of the UI colors (by default red)


from start to finish, progressing from the UI colors 'Trajectory Start' and 'Trajectory End'


a progression between colors based on the object wire color


color based on the object speed at that point, from blue at trajectory slowest to pure red at the fastest point

10241  {
10242  kNoGradation = 0,
10243  kUIColor = 1,
10244  kWireColor = 2,
10245  kSpeed = 3,
10246  };
@ kNoGradation
plain line, in the color defined by 'Trajectory' in the Gizmos section of the UI colors (by default r...
Definition: maxapi.h:10242
@ kWireColor
a progression between colors based on the object wire color
Definition: maxapi.h:10244
@ kUIColor
from start to finish, progressing from the UI colors 'Trajectory Start' and 'Trajectory End'
Definition: maxapi.h:10243
@ kSpeed
color based on the object speed at that point, from blue at trajectory slowest to pure red at the fas...
Definition: maxapi.h:10245