3ds Max C++ API Reference
MaxSDK::PointCloud Namespace Reference


class  IPointCloud
 The interface for interacting with point cloud objects. More...
class  IPointCloudEx
struct  DoublePoint3
struct  UBytePoint4
struct  PointCloudVertex
 A structure that contains the basic information about a point cloud vertex. More...
class  IPointCloudVisibleVoxelNode
 The interface for interacting with point cloud voxel nodes. More...


enum  PointCloudPBIds {
  pb_filename , pb_voxelsize , pb_as_pixel_pointsize , pb_real_world_scale_pointsize ,
  pb_pointsize_types , pb_solidColor , pb_display_technique , pb_gradient_texmap ,
  pb_performance_quality , pb_fixed_LOD_enable , pb_fixed_LOD_level , pb_enable_limitplanes ,
  pb_fence_globalenable , pb_fence_objects , pb_fence_globalinvert , pb_geomshader ,
  pb_scan_files , pb_pts_visible
enum  PointCloudExposedFunctionIds { pb_block_until_loading_finished , pb_pts_visible_active_viewport , pb_pts_total }