3ds Max C++ API Reference
StaticAssert< bool > Struct Template Reference

An assert that works at compile time. More...

Detailed Description

struct MaxSDK::Util::StaticAssert< bool >

An assert that works at compile time.

This validates that an expression is either true or false. The expression is passed to the template parameter. In the code example below, the compiler will fail with an error if T is not 'Plain Old Data'. That is if the type of class T is not an int, float, character string, pointer, etc... it will not compile. This is because is_pod<> will return false. And since there is no definition of a StaticAssert struct with a false template parameter, the compiler will fail with an error stating that StaticAssert has no body. For instance:

#include <staticassert.h>
template<typename T> foo
StaticAssert< std::is_pod<T>::value >();

Similarly, you can use other C++ TR1 extensions that comes with visual C++ 9.0 to help in validating assumptions. For instance, you can verify that a type is an enum, as shown below:

enum baz
baz a;
StaticAssert< std::is_enum<baz>::value >();