Relocator options

The Relocator Options let you create or modify a custom Relocator.

To open the Relocator options

See Reorient a character's position with Relocate.

Use default root for relocator
Activate this option to use the clip's root is the relocator.
If your animation clips contains multiple roots, and you need a relocator that controls every root, disable this option and turn on Choose custom relocator roots from Clip Roots instead.

For example, if your clip contains rig controllers with no hierarchy but is using one controller as a master controller for the character, such as with constraints, relocating all of them will causes the translation applied twice. This is because when there is no hierarchy, each controller is treated as a root and is relocated.

Choose custom relocator roots from Clip Roots
Turn on this option to activate the Clip Roots list, which displays all the root objects in the scene.
Selected roots for custom locator
Displays how many clip roots are to be set as Relocators.