Trax Editor Create menu

Animation Clip
Creates an animation clip for the current character. Select Animation Clip > to access the Create Clip Options.
Constraint Clip
The options in the Create Constraint Clip Options window are the same as those in the Create Clip Options window, with the exception that the Create Constraint Clip Options window does not contain the Time Range Animation Curve option. For information on the options in the Create Constraint Clip Options window, see Create Clip Options.
Expression Clip
The options in the Create Expression Clip Options window are the same as those in the Create Clip Options window, with the exception that the Create Expression Clip Options window does not contain the Time Range Animation Curve option. For information on the options in the Create Expression Clip Options window, see Create Clip Options.
Creates a pose for the current character. See Poses in Trax and Create poses. Select Create Pose > to display the Create Pose Options window.
The Name text box in the Create Pose Options window defines the name of the pose as it is displayed in the Visor.
For animation clips only.
Blends the selected animation clips. You can only create a blend between two animation clips at a time. See Blends and Create and edit blends.
Select Create > Blend > to set the Blend Clip Options before creating the blend.
Blend Clip Options
Set the following:
Initial Weight Curve
Sets how the blend is interpolated at the beginning, middle, and end of the animation clip.
Changes attribute values at a constant rate from the beginning to the end of the clip.
Ease In
Changes attribute values slowly at the beginning and quickly at the end.
Ease Out
Changes attribute values quickly at the beginning and slowly at the end.
Ease In Out
Changes attribute values slowly at the beginning and end, and quickly in the middle.
Rotation Interpolation
Specifies how to blend between the rotations in animation clips.
(Default) Uses quaternion interpolation between rotations from the first clip to the second clip in the blend. Quaternion interpolation follows the shortest arc between two orientations and produces better blending in most cases.
Uses Euler interpolation between clips, creating a linear interpolation that blends the values at a constant rate.
Character Set
Creates a character set for the current object. See Characters, groups, and subcharacters.
For more information on the Create Character Set Options window, see Create Character Set > in the Key menu.
Time Warp
For animation clips only
Creates a time warp curve for the current animation clip. See Time warps and Create and edit time warps.
Select Time Warp > to open the Clip Time Warp Options.
Enabled Time Warp Curve
Activates the time warp curve for the current animation clip.
Disabled Time Warp Curve
Deactivates the time warp curve for the current animation clip.
Quick Select Set
Creates a Quick Select Set for the current animation or geometry cache clips. Quick Select Set lets you create a selection set for multiple clips from various clips and characters. The selection sets you create with this option appear on the Trax menu bar under Edit > Quick Select Sets.
You can edit the membership of an existing quick select set with the Relationship Editor. See Relationship Editor.
Geometry Cache
Creates a geometry cache clip for the current object. See Create New Cache Options and Create and Edit geometry caches.