Interactive grooming common brush settings

These settings are common to most brushes.


Sets the radius of the brush. The size unit is screen space.

Hotkeys: B + drag or middle mouse button (MMB)-drag left/right to adjust the brush size. B + MMB-drag left/right or Ctrl + MMB-drag left/right to adjust the brush size from 0.


Determines how much the tool affects the hair strands or hair CVs. The actual distance the mouse moves is multiplied by the Strength value. Depending on the brush, this value represents either a percentage of the maximum power available or an increment in cm.

Hotkeys: M + drag or MMB-drag up/down to adjust the brush strength. M + MMB-drag up/down or Ctrl + MMB-drag up/down to adjust the brush strength from 0.

Collide with Meshes

When on, hairs do not intersect with the bound mesh. This is useful to stop hairs from penetrating mesh objects as you groom. This option is off by default.

Collision Distance

When Collide with Meshes is on, this value sets the minimum distance between the mesh surface and any CV on a hair in cm. Hairs deform to ensure this minimum distance is maintained. Increasing this value adds distance between the surface of the mesh, while decreasing the values reduces the distance. The value is always in cm and is not affected by the set Maya Working Units.

Invert Frozen Effect

Reverses the frozen and unfrozen hairs.

Hotkey: Holding Shift + Ctrl while grooming toggles Invert Frozen Effect on and off.

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