Control multiple descriptions using a Guide or Linear Wire modifier

You connect the output of a Guide or Linear Wire modifier to multiple descriptions. This way, you can shape or simulate the hair of multiple descriptions using a single modifier.

This is useful if you want low hair density grooms to drive the shape other higher density hair styles or control the shapes of different descriptions, which have different settings, using the same guides.

When sharing guides between multiple descriptions be aware of the following:

Note: You can share a Linear Wire modifier by following this workflow, although some setting may be different.
  1. Create the source description and add a Guide modifier.

    See Create hair and fur using interactive grooming and Work with interactive groom modifiers.

  2. In the Node Editor, do one of the following:
    • Connect the Out Spline Data output of the source description's guide node to the In Spline Data inputs of the target descriptionShape nodes.
    • Add a Guide modifier to each target description, then connect Out Spline Data output from the source inGuide_Shape node to the In Guide Data inputs on each target guide node.
  3. Any sculpting or dynamic animation from the source description guides is now applied to the target descriptions.

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