Set raytracing quality

Raytracing is a type of rendering where the path of individual light rays are calculated between the camera and the light source. To find out more about how to raytrace to produce shadows, see Raytraced shadows. To find out more about how to raytrace to produce reflections, see True reflections.

Raytracing is supported for the Maya software renderer. It is not supported for the Maya Hardware 2.0 renderer.

  1. In the Render Settings window > Maya Software tab > Raytracing Quality section, enable Raytracing.
  2. Adjust the samples for Reflections, Refractions and Shadow to set the raytracing quality. See Render Settings: Maya Software tab.
Note: If you are using the Arnold for Maya renderer, refer to the Arnold for Maya User Guide for information on the sampling controls you can use to adjust the quality of your rendered images.