Stereo menu


Editors menu

Custom Stereo Rig

Opens the Custom Stereo Rig Editor window so that you can create a custom stereoscopic camera rig with MEL or Python scripting.

Using this window, you can edit existing rigs in your scene or register a new rig.

For more information about this window, see Custom Stereo Rig Editor.

Custom Multi Rig

Opens the Multi-Camera Rig Tool window so that you can create a custom multi-camera rig with two or more stereo cameras.

A three layered multi-camera rig has been defined by default. You can customize the default rig or create your own multi-camera rig using this tool.

For more information about this window, see Multi-Camera Rig Tool.

Create menu

Stereo Camera

Creates a default stereo camera.

If you have created and registered a custom rig in your scene, your custom rig also appears in this menu.

Multi Stereo Rig

Creates a default multi-camera rig for stereo cameras.

If you have created a custom multi-camera rig in your scene, your custom multi-camera rig also appears in this menu.


Make Links

Creates a link between a stereo camera and a set of objects. The camera and the objects are linked as a set.

This feature is most useful when you have multiple stereo cameras in your scene and you want to have different stereo settings for different objects.

For more information about this feature, see Linking a stereo camera with a set of objects.

Break Links

Breaks the link between a stereo camera and a set of objects.

For more information about this feature, see Linking a stereo camera with a set of objects.