Add lights to a render layer

By default, all lights are automatically added to each render layer. To override this behavior, open the Render Setup editor and disable Options > Include all lights in each render layer by default.

You can do the following to add specific lights to a render layer:

Disable a light in a render layer

Override the Enable attribute of a light to disable it in your render layer. See Create light overrides in your render layer.

Note: You must create an override to disable a light in a render layer. If you simply toggle off the Enable attribute of a light without creating an override, you are disabling the light in the scene, and not in the render layer.

Include all lights in a layer by default

The Include all lights in each render layer by default setting determines whether lights are automatically added to each render layer. This option is enabled by default, and can be disabled via the Options menu or in the Lights collection of each render layer. When this option is disabled, only lights that are explicitly included via the methods outlined above are included in each layer. You can disable this option at any time, in a new scene or in any legacy scene.

This setting is saved with your preferences in the option variable renderSetup_includeAllLights, and persists upon restarting Maya.

You can also control this option by setting the environment variable MAYA_RENDER_SETUP_INCLUDE_ALL_LIGHTS. A value of 0 disables the option, and a value of 1 enables it. The environment variable takes precedence over the preference. Once the environment variable is set, the menu option is greyed out and follows the value of the environment variable.