C++ API Reference
#include "exportMetadataCmd.h"
#include "metadataPluginStrings.h"
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MStringResource.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>
#include <maya/MFileObject.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <maya/adskDataChannel.h>
#include <maya/adskDataAssociations.h>
#include <maya/adskDataAssociationsSerializer.h>
#include <maya/adskDataChannelSerializer.h>
#include <maya/adskDataStreamSerializer.h>
#include <maya/adskDataStructureSerializer.h>
// Creator function: returns a new command object
void* exportMetadataCmd::creator()
return new exportMetadataCmd ;
// Returns the name of this command
const char* exportMetadataCmd::name()
return "exportMetadata";
// Get the base syntax and allow query mode
MSyntax exportMetadataCmd::cmdSyntax()
MSyntax mySyntax = metadataBase::cmdSyntax();
mySyntax.enableQuery( true );
return mySyntax;
// Default command constructor
// Destructor, does nothing
// Check the parsed arguments
MStatus exportMetadataCmd::checkArgs(MArgDatabase& argsDb)
return metadataBase::checkArgs( argsDb );
// Do the command in create mode. Run the export, which sends all of the
// specified metadata out to a file (if the -file flag was specified) or
// as a returned string (if the -file flag was not specified)
MStatus exportMetadataCmd::doCreate()
assert( fSerializer );
MStatus status;
assert( fObjects.length() == 1 );
MFnDependencyNode node( fObjects[0], &status );
// Should have filtered out non-objects already
assert( status );
if( ! status ) return status;
displayInfo( node.name(&status) );
const adsk::Data::Associations* associationsToWrite = node.metadata();
if( ! associationsToWrite ) return MS::kFailure;
std::string errors;
// Dump either to a file or the return string, depending on which was
// requested.
status = MS::kSuccess;
if( fFile )
MString path( fFile->resolvedFullName() );
std::ofstream destination( fFile->resolvedFullName().asChar() );
if( fSerializer->write( *associationsToWrite, destination, errors ) == 0 )
setResult( path );
MString errMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFailedFileWrite, status) );
displayError( errMsg );
status = MS::kFailure;
std::stringstream writtenData;
if( fSerializer->write( *associationsToWrite, writtenData, errors ) == 0 )
setResult( writtenData.str().c_str() );
MString errMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFailedStringWrite, status) );
displayError( errMsg );
status = MS::kFailure;
if( errors.length() > 0 )
displayError( errors.c_str() );
return MS::kFailure;
return MS::kSuccess;
// Do the command in query mode. It only does one thing, print the Stream,
// Channel, Associations, and Structure formats available.
MStatus exportMetadataCmd::doQuery()
assert( fSerializer );
MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
std::set<const adsk::Data::StreamSerializer*>::iterator sFmtIt;
for( sFmtIt = adsk::Data::StreamSerializer::allFormats().begin();
sFmtIt != adsk::Data::StreamSerializer::allFormats().end(); sFmtIt++ )
const adsk::Data::StreamSerializer* fmt = *sFmtIt;
MString fmtMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFormatType, status) );
MString fmtType( "Stream" );
MString fmtName( fmt->formatType() );
MString msg;
msg.format( fmtMsg, fmtType, fmtName );
appendToResult( msg );
std::set<const adsk::Data::ChannelSerializer*>::iterator cFmtIt;
for( cFmtIt = adsk::Data::ChannelSerializer::allFormats().begin();
cFmtIt != adsk::Data::ChannelSerializer::allFormats().end(); cFmtIt++ )
const adsk::Data::ChannelSerializer* fmt = *cFmtIt;
MString fmtMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFormatType, status) );
MString fmtType( "Channel" );
MString fmtName( fmt->formatType() );
MString msg;
msg.format( fmtMsg, fmtType, fmtName );
appendToResult( msg );
std::set<const adsk::Data::AssociationsSerializer*>::iterator aFmtIt;
for( aFmtIt = adsk::Data::AssociationsSerializer::allFormats().begin();
aFmtIt != adsk::Data::AssociationsSerializer::allFormats().end(); aFmtIt++ )
const adsk::Data::AssociationsSerializer* fmt = *aFmtIt;
MString fmtMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFormatType, status) );
MString fmtType( "Associations" );
MString fmtName( fmt->formatType() );
MString msg;
msg.format( fmtMsg, fmtType, fmtName );
appendToResult( msg );
std::set<const adsk::Data::StructureSerializer*>::iterator fmtIt;
for( fmtIt = adsk::Data::StructureSerializer::allFormats().begin();
fmtIt != adsk::Data::StructureSerializer::allFormats().end(); fmtIt++ )
const adsk::Data::StructureSerializer* fmt = *fmtIt;
MString fmtMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFormatType, status) );
MString fmtType( "Structure" );
MString fmtName( fmt->formatType() );
MString msg;
msg.format( fmtMsg, fmtType, fmtName );
appendToResult( msg );
return status;
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This computer source code and related instructions and comments are
// the unpublished confidential and proprietary information of Autodesk,
// Inc. and are protected under applicable copyright and trade secret
// law. They may not be disclosed to, copied or used by any third party
// without the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
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