C++ API Reference
// File: tweakMetadataNode.h
// Description:
// Example implementation of a node which takes in a mesh geometry
// and modifies the metadata inside it in a manner
// described by the "operation" attribute.
// To test the node, use the following Python commands
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.loadPlugin( 'metadataPlugin' )
tweakStruct = cmds.dataStructure( format='raw',
asString='name=TweakStructure:int32=value' )
tweak = cmds.createNode( 'tweakMetadata' )
(xform, creator) = cmds.polyPlane( name='testPlane' )
shape = cmds.listRelatives( xform, children=True )[0]
cmds.connectAttr( '%s.outMesh' % creator, '%s.inMesh' % tweak )
cmds.disconnectAttr( '%s.outMesh' % creator, '%s.inMesh' % shape )
cmds.connectAttr( '%s.outMesh' % tweak, '%s.inMesh' % shape )
cmds.setAttr( '%s.operation' % tweak, 1 )
cmds.exportMetadata( shape )
// Output should show a set of metadata channels with random numbers
// Play around with the subdivision on "polyPlane" to generate
// different metadata as component counts change.
// Notice that every evaluation causes a different set of random
// numbers to be generated. To keep consistency with your metadata
// you have to follow the DG principle of "the same inputs will
// produce the same outputs". Try adding a random seed to this
// example node to make the random numbers reproducible.
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
class tweakMetadataNode : public MPxNode
tweakMetadataNode ();
~tweakMetadataNode () override;
static void* creator ();
static MStatus initialize ();
static const char* nodeName ();
// Tweak function
MStatus compute ( const MPlug&, MDataBlock&) override;
// Types of operations this node can perform
enum eOpTypes { kOpNone, kOpRandomize, kOpFill, kOpDouble };
// Node attributes
static MObject aOperation;
static MObject aInMesh;
static MObject aOutMesh;
// This has to be globally unique or it could cause problems with file I/O
static MTypeId id;
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// This computer source code and related instructions and comments are
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// Inc. and are protected under applicable copyright and trade secret
// law. They may not be disclosed to, copied or used by any third party
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