C++ API Reference
MEvaluationNodeIterator Class Reference

Provides access to the Evaluation Manager node dirty plug list. More...

#include <MEvaluationNodeIterator.h>

Public Member Functions

 ~MEvaluationNodeIterator ()
 Destructor, frees internal resources.
 MEvaluationNodeIterator (const MEvaluationNode &node, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Constructor for iterator over evaluation node's dirty plugs. More...
 MEvaluationNodeIterator (const MEvaluationNodeIterator &it)
 Copy constructor for iterator over evaluation node's dirty plugs. More...
MEvaluationNodeIteratoroperator= (MEvaluationNodeIterator &it)
 Assignment operator. More...
MPlug plug ()
 Returns the dirty plug at the current iterator position. More...
bool isDone () const
 Checks to see if the iterator has reached the end of the iteration. More...
void next ()
 Advances the iterator to the next position in the dirty plug list.
void reset ()
 Resets the iterator to the first position in the dirty plug list.

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...

Detailed Description

Provides access to the Evaluation Manager node dirty plug list.

See also

If you need to access the list of dirty plugs in an MEvaluationNode node then use the internal iterator:

for( MEvaluationNodeIterator it = theNode.iterator(); !it.isDone(); it.next() )
doSomePlugThing( it.plug() );

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OPENMAYA_MAJOR_NAMESPACE_OPEN MEvaluationNodeIterator ( const MEvaluationNode node,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Constructor for iterator over evaluation node's dirty plugs.

[in]nodeEvaluation node over which to iterate
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The operation succeeded
  • MS::kFailure Object error - no evaluation node

Copy constructor for iterator over evaluation node's dirty plugs.

The copied iterator is not const because it becomes empty after the copy.

[in]rhsIterator to copy
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The operation succeeded
  • MS::kFailure Object error - no evaluation node

Member Function Documentation

Assignment operator.

The copied iterator is not const because it becomes empty after the assignment.

[in]rhsIterator from which to copy information
Reference to the assigned iterator
MPlug plug ( )

Returns the dirty plug at the current iterator position.

Returns an empty plug if the iterator is illegal.

dirty plug at the current iterator index
bool isDone ( ) const

Checks to see if the iterator has reached the end of the iteration.

True if the iteration has completed
const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

Name of this class.

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