C++ API Reference
MMatrixArray Class Reference

Array of MMatrix data type. More...

#include <MMatrixArray.h>

Public Member Functions

 MMatrixArray ()
 Default constructor. More...
 MMatrixArray (const MMatrixArray &other)
 Copy Constructor. More...
 MMatrixArray (unsigned initialSize)
 Create a new array of MMatrix's of a specified size and initialize all the elements as the identity matrix. More...
 ~MMatrixArray ()
 The class destructor.
const MMatrixoperator[] (unsigned index) const
 Index operator. More...
MMatrixArrayoperator= (const MMatrixArray &other)
 Assignment operator copies all of the elements of the other array into this one. More...
MStatus set (const MMatrix &element, unsigned index)
 Sets the value of the indicated element to the indicated MMatrix value. More...
MStatus setLength (unsigned length)
 Set the length of the array. More...
unsigned length () const
 Returns the number of elements in the instance. More...
MStatus remove (unsigned index)
 Remove the array element at the given index. More...
MStatus insert (const MMatrix &element, unsigned index)
 Inserts a new value into the array at the given index. More...
MStatus append (const MMatrix &element)
 Adds a new element to the end of the array. More...
MStatus copy (const MMatrixArray &source)
 Copy the contents of the source array to this array. More...
MStatus clear ()
 Clear the contents of the array. More...
void setSizeIncrement (unsigned newIncrement)
 Set the size by which the array will be expanded whenever expansion is necessary. More...
unsigned sizeIncrement () const
 Return the size by which the array will be expanded whenever expansion is necessary. More...
MMatrixoperator[] (unsigned index)
 Index operator allowing assignment to an element of the array. More...
Iterator begin ()
 Returns an iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array. More...
Iterator end ()
 Returns an iterator object pointed to the end of the array. More...
ConstIterator begin () const
 Returns a const iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array. More...
ConstIterator end () const
 Returns a const iterator object pointed to the end of the array. More...
ConstIterator cbegin () const
 Returns a const iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array. More...
ConstIterator cend () const
 Returns a const iterator object pointed to the end of the array. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...


OPENMAYA_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MMatrixArray &array)

Detailed Description

Array of MMatrix data type.

This class implements an array of MMatrix's. Common convenience functions are available, and the implementation is compatible with the internal Maya implementation so that it can be passed efficiently between plugins and internal maya data structures.

apiMeshShape/apiMeshSubSceneOverride.cpp, basicSkinCluster/basicSkinCluster.cpp, footPrintNode_SubSceneOverride/footPrintNode_SubSceneOverride.cpp, and instancerListCmd/instancerListCmd.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Default constructor.

The instance is set to contain no elements.

MMatrixArray ( const MMatrixArray other)

Copy Constructor.

[in]otherthe array with which to initialize this instance
MMatrixArray ( unsigned  initialSize)

Create a new array of MMatrix's of a specified size and initialize all the elements as the identity matrix.

[in]initialSizethe initial size of the array

Member Function Documentation

const MMatrix & operator[] ( unsigned  index) const

Index operator.

Returns the value of the element at the given index. No range checking is done - valid indices are 0 to length()-1.

[in]indexthe index of the element whose value is to be returned
The value of the indicated element.
MMatrixArray & operator= ( const MMatrixArray other)

Assignment operator copies all of the elements of the other array into this one.

If the other array was returned as a reference to internal data then this array will also become a reference rather than doing a full copy.

[in]otherthe array being copied
A reference to this array
MStatus set ( const MMatrix element,
unsigned  index 

Sets the value of the indicated element to the indicated MMatrix value.

NOTE: This method does not grow the array if the index is out of bounds. Only a valid index should be used.

[in]elementthe new value for the indicated element
[in]indexthe index of the element that is to be set to the the new value
MS::kSuccess if the value was set successfully and MS::kFailure otherwise
MStatus setLength ( unsigned  length)

Set the length of the array.

This will grow and shrink the array as desired. Elements that are grown have uninitialized values, while those which are shrunk will lose the data contained in the deleted elements (ie. it will release the memory).

[in]lengththe new size of the array
unsigned length ( ) const

Returns the number of elements in the instance.

The number of elements in the instance
MStatus remove ( unsigned  index)

Remove the array element at the given index.

All array elements following the removed element are shifted toward the first element.

[in]indexindex of the element to be removed
MS::kSuccess if the remove was successful and MS::kFailure otherwise
MStatus insert ( const MMatrix element,
unsigned  index 

Inserts a new value into the array at the given index.

The initial element at that index, and all following elements, are shifted towards the last. If the array cannot be expanded in size by 1 element, then the insert will fail and the existing array will remain unchanged.

[in]elementthe new value to insert into the array
[in]indexthe index of the element to set to the the new value
true if the insert was successful and false otherwise
MStatus append ( const MMatrix element)

Adds a new element to the end of the array.

If the array cannot be expanded in size by 1 element, then the append will fail and the existing array will remain unchanged.

[in]elementthe value for the new last element
MS::kSuccess if the append was successful and MS::kFailure otherwise
apiMeshShape/apiMeshSubSceneOverride.cpp, and basicSkinCluster/basicSkinCluster.cpp.
MStatus copy ( const MMatrixArray source)

Copy the contents of the source array to this array.

[in]sourcearray to copy from
MS::kSuccess if the copy was successful and MS::kFailure otherwise
MStatus clear ( )

Clear the contents of the array.

After this operation the length method will return 0. This does not change the amount of memory allocated to the array, only the number of valid elements in it.

  • MS::kSuccess if the operation is successful and MS::kFailure otherwise
void setSizeIncrement ( unsigned  newIncrement)

Set the size by which the array will be expanded whenever expansion is necessary.

[in]newIncrementthe new increment
unsigned sizeIncrement ( ) const

Return the size by which the array will be expanded whenever expansion is necessary.

The size increment.
MMatrix & operator[] ( unsigned  index)

Index operator allowing assignment to an element of the array.

Returns a reference to the element at the given index. No range checking is done - valid indices are 0 to length()-1.

[in]indexthe index of the desired element
A reference to the indicated element
MMatrixArray::Iterator begin ( )

Returns an iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array.

Iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array.
MMatrixArray::Iterator end ( )

Returns an iterator object pointed to the end of the array.

Iterator object pointed to the end of the array.
MMatrixArray::ConstIterator begin ( ) const

Returns a const iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array.

Iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array.
MMatrixArray::ConstIterator end ( ) const

Returns a const iterator object pointed to the end of the array.

Iterator object pointed to the end of the array.
MMatrixArray::ConstIterator cbegin ( ) const

Returns a const iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array.

Iterator object pointed to the beginning of the array.
MMatrixArray::ConstIterator cend ( ) const

Returns a const iterator object pointed to the end of the array.

Iterator object pointed to the end of the array.
const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

The name of this class.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

OPENMAYA_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MMatrixArray array 


The format used is:

element 0:
[[r11, r12, r13, r14] [r21, r22, r23, r24]
[r31, r32, r33, r34] [r41, r42, r43, r44]]
element n-1:
[[r11, r12, r13, r14] [r21, r22, r23, r24]
[r31, r32, r33, r34] [r41, r42, r43, r44]]

Where "n" is the length of the given MMatrixArray

[in]osthe ostream to print to
[in]arraythe MMatrixArray whose value is to be printed
The ostream reference, s, provided as the first parameter.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: