C++ API Reference
MRenderShadowData Class Reference

Access Rendering Shadow Map Data. More...

#include <MRenderShadowData.h>

Public Types

enum  LightType { kInvalid, kPoint, kDirectional, kSpot }
 Light Types. More...

Public Member Functions

 MRenderShadowData ()
 Default Constructor.
void worldToZbuffer (const MFloatPoint &worldPoint, MFloatPoint &screenPoint) const
 Converts world space point to shadow map. More...
void zbufferToWorld (const MFloatPoint &screenPoint, MFloatPoint &worldPoint) const
 Converts shadow map point to world space. More...

Public Attributes

bool perspective
 set if the light has a perspective projection
bool useMidDistMap
 set if the light generates a depth and midDist map
LightType lightType
 the type of light the shadow map is generated for
unsigned short shadowResX
 the x resolution of shadow map
unsigned short shadowResY
 the y resolution of the shadow map
MFloatPoint lightPosition
 position of the light in world space
MFloatMatrix projectionMatrix
 projection matrix for the light
MFloatMatrix perspectiveMatrix
 perspective matrix for the light
float * depthMaps
 the output depth map
float * midDistMaps
 the output mid distance map

Detailed Description

Access Rendering Shadow Map Data.

The shadow map can be changed by instanciating a MRenderCallback and overriding shadowCastCallback(). When this is invoked, a MRenderShadowData is passed as an argument; the depthMaps and midDistMaps members can then be changed by this API. Methods and data are provided to assist in transforming back and forth from world space to z buffer space. Paint Effects and Fur are two examples which use this mechanism to change the shadow map.

To prevent self shadowing, Maya uses a mid distance map to resolve the ambiguity. Details of this technique can be obtained from Graphics Gems III, "The Shadow Depth Map Revisited".


Member Enumeration Documentation

enum LightType

Light Types.









Member Function Documentation

void worldToZbuffer ( const MFloatPoint inPoint,
MFloatPoint outPoint 
) const

Converts world space point to shadow map.

Shadow depth is stored in inPoint.z

[in]inPointThe original point in world space
[out]outPointThe converted point in shadow map
void zbufferToWorld ( const MFloatPoint inPoint,
MFloatPoint outPoint 
) const

Converts shadow map point to world space.

Shadow depth is stored in inPoint.z.

[in]inPointThe original point in shadow map
[out]outPointThe converted point in world space

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