C++ API Reference
MRenderingInfo Class Reference

Information to perform rendering into a hardware render target. More...

#include <MRenderingInfo.h>

Public Member Functions

unsigned int originX () const
 Origin (x) of region to render to in pixels. More...
unsigned int originY () const
 Origin (y) of region to render to in pixels. More...
unsigned int width () const
 Width of region to render in pixels. More...
unsigned int height () const
 Height of region to render in pixels. More...
MViewportRenderer::RenderingAPI renderingAPI () const
 Native target rendering API. More...
float renderingVersion () const
 Native target rendering version. More...
const MDagPathcameraPath () const
 Current camera being used to render with. More...
const MRenderTargetLegacyrenderTarget () const
 Current render target. More...
const MMatrixviewMatrix () const
 Current view matrix. More...
const MMatrixprojectionMatrix () const
 Current projection matrix. More...

Detailed Description

Information to perform rendering into a hardware render target.

MRenderingInfo is a class which holds information about rendering into hardware render targets.

Member Function Documentation

OPENMAYA_MAJOR_NAMESPACE_OPEN unsigned int originX ( ) const

Origin (x) of region to render to in pixels.

Return the x coordinate in pixels of the origin of the region to render.

X value.
unsigned int originY ( ) const

Origin (y) of region to render to in pixels.

Return the y coordinate in pixels of the origin of the region to render.

Y value.
unsigned int width ( ) const

Width of region to render in pixels.

Return the width in pixels of the region to render.

Width value.
unsigned int height ( ) const

Height of region to render in pixels.

Return the width in pixels of the region to render.

Height value.
MViewportRenderer::RenderingAPI renderingAPI ( ) const

Native target rendering API.

Return the native rendering API used for a render target.

See MViewportRender::RenderingAPI for a list of possible api values that can be returned.

Rendering API.
float renderingVersion ( ) const

Native target rendering version.

Return the native rendering API version used for a render target.

Rendering version.
const MDagPath & cameraPath ( ) const

Current camera being used to render with.

Return the dag path of the current camera being used for rendering.

Information about the camera itself can be extracted via MFnCamera.

Dag path to camera.
const MRenderTargetLegacy & renderTarget ( ) const

Current render target.

Return the current render target being used for rendering.

Reference to render target.
const MMatrix & viewMatrix ( ) const

Current view matrix.

Return the current view matrix being used for rendering.

View matrix.
const MMatrix & projectionMatrix ( ) const

Current projection matrix.

Return the current projection matrix being used for rendering.

The projection matrix will be appropriate regardless of whether the caller is rendering into a OpenGL or a DirectX context, as each drawing API interprets projection matrices differently.

Projection matrix.

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