C++ API Reference

Selection state information used in MPxSurfaceShapeUI::select. More...

#include <MSelectInfo.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MSelectInfo:

Public Member Functions

 MSelectInfo ()
 MSelectInfo (const MSelectInfo &in)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~MSelectInfo () override
M3dView view ()
 Returns the view that the current selection is taking place in. More...
bool singleSelection () const
 This method determines if we want to select a single object. More...
bool selectClosest () const
 Determines if we want to select the closest object. More...
bool selectable (MSelectionMask &mask) const
 Given the selection mask, this method determines if the object is selectable. More...
bool selectableComponent (bool displayed, MSelectionMask &mask) const
 Given the selection mask, this method determines if the component is selectable. More...
void selectRect (unsigned int &x, unsigned int &y, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height) const
 Get the current selection rectangle dimensions. More...
bool isRay () const
 Is there a selection ray. More...
MMatrix getAlignmentMatrix () const
 Returns the alignment matrix. More...
void getLocalRay (MPoint &, MVector &) const
 Get the selection ray. More...
bool selectForHilite (const MSelectionMask &) const
 Give the selection mask, can this object be selected for the hilite list. More...
bool selectOnHilitedOnly () const
 This means that you can only select components if the object is hilited. More...
int highestPriority () const
 Returns the highest selection priority value. More...
void setHighestPriority (int)
 Sets the highest selection priority value. More...
void addSelection (const MSelectionList &item, const MPoint &point, MSelectionList &list, MPointArray &points, const MSelectionMask &mask, bool isComponent)
 Adds components or objects to the active selection list. More...
bool setSnapPoint (const MPoint &point)
 When a snapping operation is being performed the shape's overridden MPxSurfaceShapeUI::snap() method can call this method to set the point to be snapped to. More...
MDagPath selectPath () const
 Returns a path to the item that is being selected. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MDrawInfo
 MDrawInfo ()
 MDrawInfo (const MDrawInfo &in)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~MDrawInfo ()
MDrawRequest getPrototype (const MPxSurfaceShapeUI &drawHandler) const
 This method creates a draw request based on the current draw state. More...
M3dView view () const
 Returns the view that the drawing will take place. More...
const MDagPath multiPath () const
 Returns the path to the object to be drawn. More...
void setMultiPath (const MDagPath &)
 Sets the path of the object to be drawn.
const MMatrix projectionMatrix () const
 Returns the camera*projection matrix. More...
const MMatrix inclusiveMatrix () const
 Returns the world space inclusive matrix. More...
M3dView::DisplayStyle displayStyle () const
 The display appearance. More...
M3dView::DisplayStatus displayStatus () const
 Returns the status of the object to draw. More...
bool objectDisplayStatus (M3dView::DisplayObjects) const
 Determines whether the specified objects are allowed to be displayed. More...
bool pluginObjectDisplayStatus (const MString &pluginDisplayFilter) const
 Determines whether the specified plugin object is allowed to be displayed. More...
bool inSelect () const
 Returns true if this is called from within the select method of MPxSurfaceShapeUI. More...
bool inUserInteraction () const
 Returns true during any interactive refresh, as when user is interacting with the scene in any way including camera changes, object or component TRS changes, etc. More...
bool userChangingViewContext () const
 Returns true during any interactive refresh, as when user is changing the view using view context tools such as tumble, dolly or track. More...
bool completelyInside () const
 Returns true if the object being drawn is inside the viewing frustum. More...
bool canDrawComponent (bool isDisplayOn, const MSelectionMask &compMask) const
 Convenience method to test if components specified by the given mask can be drawn. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MDrawInfo
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...

Detailed Description

Selection state information used in MPxSurfaceShapeUI::select.

MSelectInfo is used with user defined shape selection and is passed as an argument to the MPxSurfaceShapeUI::select method. This class encapsulates all the selection state information for selected objects.

gpuCache/gpuCacheGLPickingSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheGLPickingSelect.h, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.h, gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp, and gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MSelectInfo ( const MSelectInfo other)

Copy constructor.

[in]otherobject to copy

Member Function Documentation

M3dView view ( )

Returns the view that the current selection is taking place in.

The view
bool singleSelection ( ) const

This method determines if we want to select a single object.

  • true a single object should be selected
  • false do not want to select a single object
bool selectClosest ( ) const

Determines if we want to select the closest object.

  • true the closest object should be selected
  • false do not want to select the closest object
bool selectable ( MSelectionMask mask) const

Given the selection mask, this method determines if the object is selectable.

[in]maskselection mask
  • true the object is selectable
  • false the object not is selectable
bool selectableComponent ( bool  displayed,
MSelectionMask mask 
) const

Given the selection mask, this method determines if the component is selectable.

[in]displayedis the component displayed
[in]maskselection mask
  • true the component is selectable
  • false the component not is selectable
void selectRect ( unsigned int &  x,
unsigned int &  y,
unsigned int &  width,
unsigned int &  height 
) const

Get the current selection rectangle dimensions.

[out]xLower left corner of the selection rectangle (x coordinate).
[out]yLower left corner of the selection rectangle (y coordinate).
[out]widthWidth of the selection rectangle.
[out]heightHeight of the selection rectangle.
bool isRay ( ) const

Is there a selection ray.

This method isused to find ray object intersection.

  • true there is a selection ray
  • false there is no selection ray
MMatrix getAlignmentMatrix ( ) const

Returns the alignment matrix.

This method is used to find ray object intersection.

The alignment matrix
void getLocalRay ( MPoint pnt,
MVector vec 
) const

Get the selection ray.

This method isused to find ray object intersection.

[out]pntray starting point
[out]vecray direction
bool selectForHilite ( const MSelectionMask mask) const

Give the selection mask, can this object be selected for the hilite list.

[in]maskthe mask to test
  • true can select for hilite
  • false can't select for hilite
bool selectOnHilitedOnly ( ) const

This means that you can only select components if the object is hilited.

  • true can only select components if object is hilited
  • false can select components for non-hilited object
int highestPriority ( ) const

Returns the highest selection priority value.

The priority value
void setHighestPriority ( int  value)

Sets the highest selection priority value.

[in]valuethe priority value
void addSelection ( const MSelectionList item,
const MPoint point,
MSelectionList list,
MPointArray points,
const MSelectionMask mask,
bool  isComponent 

Adds components or objects to the active selection list.

For an example of how this is used please refer to the method definition apiMeshShapeUI::select() in the devkit example code apiMeshShape.cpp.

[in]itemThe component or object to add to the list
[in]pointThe world space point representing the selected object. This is used during single-click selection when the click overlaps multiple objects in order to determine which point is closest to the camera.
[out]listThe selection list to add the item(s) to
[out]pointsA copy of the points of all currently selected components in the list (if components are selected)
[in]maskMask used to determine selection priority
[in]isComponentIndicates whether item to be added is an object or a component
bool setSnapPoint ( const MPoint point)

When a snapping operation is being performed the shape's overridden MPxSurfaceShapeUI::snap() method can call this method to set the point to be snapped to.

If setSnapPoint() is called multiple times then the point passed in which is nearest to the current cursor location will be used. So the shape can either compute the snap point itself and call setSnapPoint() once or it can make a series of calls and let setSnapPoint() determine the closest of those for itself.

The point must be given in world space coordinates..
[in]pointThe point to be snapped to
  • true the point is closer
  • false the point isn't closest
MDagPath selectPath ( ) const

Returns a path to the item that is being selected.

A path to the item being selected
const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

Name of this class.

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