C++ API Reference
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# This custom evaluator is used to replace evaluation clusters consisting of
# point and orient constraints. Since cycles are introduced between those
# constraints, evaluation inefficiency can arise. By replacing those clusters
# with a custom evaluator we are able to evaluate the position and orientation
# of the given object faster.
# The code sample below creates a cone that is point and orient constrained
# to an animated locator. The evaluator detects this setup and claims
# the transform for evaluation.
# During evaluation, the evaluator does the requisite math that the
# constraints would normally do, thus saving the cost of computation
# of the constraints
# NOTE: This is a limited example and is not intended for a more complex
# setup. The setup is, while common, deliberately simple. The evaluator
# checks only if a source transform is basically constrained by a
# point and orient constraint. It doesn't check additions to this scenario
# (offsets, constraint axes, etc).
# setup the scene
import maya.cmds as cmds
import math
def getConstraintSetup():
constraintPair = {} # 0-src, 1-dst
constraintPair[0] = cmds.spaceLocator()[0]
constraintPair[1] = cmds.polyCone()[0]
cmds.select(constraintPair.values(), r=True)
cmds.pointConstraint(offset=[0,0,0], weight=1)
cmds.orientConstraint(offset=[0,0,0], weight=1)
return constraintPair
def animate(transform, step, ampT, ampR):
cmds.setKeyframe( transform, attribute='translateX', t='0sec', v=0 )
cmds.setKeyframe( transform, attribute='translateZ', t='0sec', v=0 )
cmds.setKeyframe( transform, attribute='translateX', t='2sec', v=(math.cos(step) * ampT) )
cmds.setKeyframe( transform, attribute='translateZ', t='2sec', v=(math.sin(step) * ampT) )
cmds.setKeyframe( transform, attribute='rotateX', t='0sec', v=0 )
cmds.setKeyframe( transform, attribute='rotateZ', t='0sec', v=0 )
cmds.setKeyframe( transform, attribute='rotateX', t='2sec', v=ampR )
cmds.setKeyframe( transform, attribute='rotateZ', t='2sec', v=ampR )
def createPointOrientSetup(numberOfInstances):
increment = 360.0/numberOfInstances
step = 0
for i in range(numberOfInstances):
constraintPair = getConstraintSetup()
animate(constraintPair[0], math.radians(step), 15, 180)
step += increment
# Create 100 constrainted objects with point and orient constraints
# load and register the evaluator
cmds.evaluator(enable=True, name="ConstraintEvaluator")
cmds.evaluator(query=True, name="ConstraintEvaluator", clusters=True)
# clear the scene, de-register and unload the evaluator
cmds.file(force=True, new=True)
cmds.evaluator(enable=False, name="ConstraintEvaluator")
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MPxCustomEvaluator.h>
#include <maya/MCustomEvaluatorClusterNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MProfiler.h>
#include <maya/MGraphNodeIterator.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixData.h>
#include <maya/MPlugArray.h>
#include <maya/MPxTransform.h>
#include <maya/MObjectHandle.h>
#include <map>
int _profilerCategory = MProfiler::addCategory("Constraint Evaluator", "Events from the EM constraint evaluator");
// Evaluator class declaration
class constraintEvaluator : public MPxCustomEvaluator
typedef std::map<unsigned int, MObject> TargetMapHash;
~constraintEvaluator() override;
bool markIfSupported(const MEvaluationNode* node) override;
void clusterEvaluate(const MCustomEvaluatorClusterNode* cluster) override;
void clusterTerminate(const MCustomEvaluatorClusterNode* cluster) override;
static MPxCustomEvaluator* creator();
void reset();
TargetMapHash fTransformTargetHash;
// reset any data we're storing
void constraintEvaluator::reset()
// Check the provided node (and its local network) to see
// if it's something we can support. In this case, we want to claim
// the transform that's constrained to a target by two constraints. Once
// we've ascertained that the provided node is the one we want, we'll store
// it (via a hashcode) and its target node.
bool constraintEvaluator::markIfSupported(const MEvaluationNode* node)
MStatus stat;
MObject thisNode = node->dependencyNode(&stat);
if (stat == MS::kSuccess)
MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn(thisNode, &stat);
MString nodeName = depNodeFn.name();
if (depNodeFn.typeName() == "transform")
// check the source of any connections to the translate
MPlug translateXPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug("translateX", true, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return false;
MPlugArray sources;
translateXPlug.connectedTo(sources, true /* asDst */, false /* asSrc */, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return false;
if (sources.length() != 1) return false;
if (sources[0].node().hasFn(MFn::kPointConstraint) != true) return false; // is this a point constraint?
// store the point constraint
MFnDependencyNode pointConstraintNode(sources[0].node());
MPlug rotateXPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug("rotateX", true, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return false;
rotateXPlug.connectedTo(sources, true /* asDst */, false /* asSrc */, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return false;
if (sources.length() > 1) return false;
if (sources[0].node().hasFn(MFn::kOrientConstraint) != true) return false; // is this an orient constraint?
// store the orient constraint
MFnDependencyNode orientConstraintNode(sources[0].node());
// check if the point and orient constraint have the same target
MPlug pointConstraintTargetTranslatePlug = pointConstraintNode.findPlug("targetTranslate", true, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return false;
MFnDependencyNode sourceNode(pointConstraintTargetTranslatePlug.source().node(), &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return false;
MString targetNodeName = sourceNode.name(); // we'll need this target's name to see if the other constraint uses this
MPlug orientConstraintTargetRotatePlug = orientConstraintNode.findPlug("targetRotate", true, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return false;
stat = sourceNode.setObject(orientConstraintTargetRotatePlug.source().node());
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return false;
if (targetNodeName != sourceNode.name()) return false;
fTransformTargetHash[MObjectHandle::objectHashCode(thisNode)] = orientConstraintTargetRotatePlug.source().node();
// this is a transform constrained by a point and an orient constraint, claim it
return true;
else if ((depNodeFn.typeName() == "pointConstraint") || (depNodeFn.typeName() == "orientConstraint"))
// Marking all point and orient constraints as supported since they will
// always be in a cycle with destination node, and we will be able to
// override the entire cycle only if we mark all nodes forming it. When
// processing destination we will test connectivity and decide if we support
// this cycle cluster
return true;
return false;
// return the scheduling type of the provided cluster
MCustomEvaluatorClusterNode::SchedulingType constraintEvaluator::schedulingType(const MCustomEvaluatorClusterNode* cluster)
return cluster->schedulingType();
// During evaluation, we first make sure we're called on our cone's transform
// and grab the information we need from its target node, as well as some of
// its attributes. We then make the appropriate calculations and evaluate only
// the transform node (thus avoiding evaluating the constraints).
void constraintEvaluator::clusterEvaluate(const MCustomEvaluatorClusterNode* cluster)
MProfilingScope profilingScope(_profilerCategory, MProfiler::kColorD_L1, "Evaluate constraint cluster");
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
MGraphNodeIterator iterator(cluster, &stat);
if (stat == MS::kSuccess)
while (!iterator.isDone())
MEvaluationNode currEvalNode = iterator.currentEvaluationNode(&stat);
MObject currObject = currEvalNode.dependencyNode(&stat);
if ( currObject.hasFn(MFn::kTransform) )
MMatrix piMatrix, wMatrix;
// We're forcing a call to pre-evaluate on the current node.
// The idea here is to ask an attribute on the given transform
// for its dirty status to force a call to that node's preEvaluate(...)
// call. This is typically not required, however in the case of
// transform nodes, in order for them to *not* re-dirty and re-evaluate
// anything, we force a pre-evaluation before setting anything in
// the plug and/or datablock
MPlug worldMatrixForPreEval(currObject, MPxTransform::worldMatrix);
MProfilingScope profilingScopeParent(_profilerCategory, MProfiler::kColorD_L1, "Get parent inverse matrix");
// Read parent inverse matrix. Use inputValue call to get the most up to
// date value and allow preEvaluation to happen before we write anything
// back to data block.
MPlug parentInverseMatrixPlug(currObject, MPxTransform::parentInverseMatrix);
MArrayDataHandle parentInverseMatrixArrayHandle = currEvalNode.datablock(&stat).inputArrayValue(parentInverseMatrixPlug.attribute());
if ((stat != MS::kSuccess) || (parentInverseMatrixArrayHandle.elementCount() == 0)) continue;
// We don't support instancing for now, so grab only first instance
stat = parentInverseMatrixArrayHandle.jumpToElement(0);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
MDataHandle elementHandle = parentInverseMatrixArrayHandle.inputValue(&stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
MObject parentInverseMatrixData = elementHandle.data();
MFnMatrixData fnMatrixData(parentInverseMatrixData, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
piMatrix = fnMatrixData.matrix(&stat);
// Get target world matrix
MProfilingScope profilingScopeTarget(_profilerCategory, MProfiler::kColorD_L1, "Get target matrix");
MObject targetObject = fTransformTargetHash[MObjectHandle::objectHashCode(currObject)];
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
MPlug worldMatrixPlug(targetObject, MPxTransform::worldMatrix);
MPlug worldMatrixPlugElement = worldMatrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(0, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
MDataHandle targetWorldMatrixHandle = worldMatrixPlugElement.asMDataHandle();
MObject targetWorldMatrixData = targetWorldMatrixHandle.data();
MFnMatrixData fnTargetWorldMatrixData(targetWorldMatrixData, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
wMatrix = fnTargetWorldMatrixData.matrix(&stat);
// We don't support in this simple example offsets
MProfilingScope profilingScopeDestination(_profilerCategory, MProfiler::kColorD_L1, "Compute and write TR");
MMatrix currLocalMatrix = wMatrix * piMatrix;
MTransformationMatrix transformer(currLocalMatrix);
MVector translate = transformer.getTranslation(MSpace::kTransform, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
double rotateVals[3];
stat = transformer.getRotation(rotateVals, ro);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
// Put the computed data back to data block. We'll set the
// translate and rotate plugs directly since these will affect
// the world space matrix (which we can't set directly).
MDataBlock currDataBlock = currEvalNode.datablock(&stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) continue;
MPlug tPlug(currObject, MPxTransform::translate);
MDataHandle currTranslateHandle = currDataBlock.outputValue(tPlug);
currTranslateHandle.set3Double(translate.x, translate.y, translate.z);
MPlug rPlug(currObject, MPxTransform::rotate);
MDataHandle currRotateHandle = currDataBlock.outputValue(rPlug);
currRotateHandle.set3Double(rotateVals[0], rotateVals[1], rotateVals[2]);
// We can't set the world matrix directly, so put
// the computed data back onto the data block by
// manually setting the translate and rotate plugs.
// We do this to make sure the transform knows the values
// have been computed and updated properly, and so won't
// have to trigger an evaluation with the constraints
// Call evaluation on the current node to compute what remains to be
// computed and notify renderer. In this particular case we have written
// TR values to transform and will let default code recompute and cache
// world matrix. Many non-drawable nodes will not require this call,
// e.g. the two constraints that we completely ignored.
MProfilingScope profilingScopeUpdate(_profilerCategory, MProfiler::kColorD_L1, "Finalize evaluation and render update");
cluster->evaluateNode(currEvalNode, &stat);
// We failed to evaluate, use native compute
if(stat != MS::kSuccess)
MProfilingScope profilingScopeFallback(_profilerCategory, MProfiler::kColorD_L2, "Fall back to native");
void constraintEvaluator::clusterTerminate(const MCustomEvaluatorClusterNode* cluster)
// Clear this map when topology gets invalidated
MPxCustomEvaluator* constraintEvaluator::creator()
constraintEvaluator* newEval = new constraintEvaluator();
return newEval;
// The following routines are used to register/unregister
// the evaluator we are creating within Maya
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
status = plugin.registerEvaluator("ConstraintEvaluator", 42, constraintEvaluator::creator);
if (!status)
return status;
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
status = plugin.deregisterEvaluator( "ConstraintEvaluator" );
if (!status)
return status;
return status;