C++ API Reference
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MItDag.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include "polyExporter.h"
#include "polyWriter.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <ios>
//Summary: constructor method; does nothing
//Summary: destructor method; does nothing
MStatus polyExporter::writer(const MFileObject& file,
const MString& /*options*/,
//Summary: saves a file of a type supported by this translator by traversing
// the all or selected objects (depending on mode) in the current
// Maya scene, and writing a representation to the given file
//Args : file - object containing the pathname of the file to be written to
// options - a string representation of any file options
// mode - the method used to write the file - export, or export active
// are valid values; method will fail for any other values
//Returns: MStatus::kSuccess if the export was successful;
// MStatus::kFailure otherwise
const MString fileName = file.expandedFullName();
std::ofstream newFile(fileName.asChar(), std::ios::out);
if (!newFile) {
MGlobal::displayError(fileName + ": could not be opened for reading");
return MS::kFailure;
//check which objects are to be exported, and invoke the corresponding
//methods; only 'export all' and 'export selection' are allowed
if (MStatus::kFailure == exportAll(newFile)) {
if (MStatus::kFailure == exportSelection(newFile)) {
} else {
MGlobal::displayInfo("Export to " + fileName + " successful!");
return MS::kSuccess;
bool polyExporter::haveWriteMethod() const
//Summary: returns true if the writer() method of the class is implemented;
// false otherwise
//Returns: true since writer() is implemented in this class
return true;
bool polyExporter::haveReadMethod() const
//Summary: returns true if the reader() method of the class is implemented;
// false otherwise
//Returns: false since reader() is not implemented in this class
return false;
bool polyExporter::canBeOpened() const
//Summary: returns true if the translator can open and import files;
// false if it can only import files
//Returns: true
return true;
MStatus polyExporter::exportAll(std::ostream& os)
//Summary: finds and outputs all polygonal meshes in the DAG
//Args : os - an output stream to write to
//Returns: MStatus::kSuccess if the method succeeds
// MStatus::kFailure if the method fails
MStatus status;
//create an iterator for only the mesh components of the DAG
if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
for(;!itDag.isDone();itDag.next()) {
//get the current DAG path
MDagPath dagPath;
if (MStatus::kFailure == itDag.getPath(dagPath)) {
MFnDagNode visTester(dagPath);
//if this node is visible, then process the poly mesh it represents
if(isVisible(visTester, status) && MStatus::kSuccess == status) {
if (MStatus::kFailure == processPolyMesh(dagPath, os)) {
MStatus polyExporter::exportSelection(std::ostream& os)
//Summary: finds and outputs all selected polygonal meshes in the DAG
//Args : os - an output stream to write to
//Returns: MStatus::kSuccess if the method succeeds
// MStatus::kFailure if the method fails
MStatus status;
//create an iterator for the selected mesh components of the DAG
MSelectionList selectionList;
MItSelectionList itSelectionList(selectionList, MFn::kMesh, &status);
if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
for (itSelectionList.reset(); !itSelectionList.isDone(); itSelectionList.next()) {
MDagPath dagPath;
//get the current dag path and process the poly mesh on it
if (MStatus::kFailure == itSelectionList.getDagPath(dagPath)) {
if (MStatus::kFailure == processPolyMesh(dagPath, os)) {
MStatus polyExporter::processPolyMesh(const MDagPath dagPath, std::ostream& os)
//Summary: processes the mesh on the given dag path by extracting its geometry
// and writing this data to file
//Args : dagPath - the current dag path whose poly mesh is to be processed
// os - an output stream to write to
//Returns: MStatus::kSuccess if the polygonal mesh data was processed fully;
// MStatus::kFailure otherwise
MStatus status;
polyWriter* pWriter = createPolyWriter(dagPath, status);
if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
delete pWriter;
if (MStatus::kFailure == pWriter->extractGeometry()) {
delete pWriter;
if (MStatus::kFailure == pWriter->writeToFile(os)) {
delete pWriter;
delete pWriter;
bool polyExporter::isVisible(MFnDagNode & fnDag, MStatus& status)
//Summary: determines if the given DAG node is currently visible
//Args : fnDag - the DAG node to check
//Returns: true if the node is visible;
// false otherwise
return false;
MPlug visPlug = fnDag.findPlug("visibility", true, &status);
if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
return false;
} else {
bool visible;
status = visPlug.getValue(visible);
if (MStatus::kFailure == status) {
return visible;
void polyExporter::writeHeader(std::ostream& os)
//Summary: outputs information that needs to appear before the main data
//Args : os - an output stream to write to
os << "";
void polyExporter::writeFooter(std::ostream& os)
//Summary: outputs information that needs to appear after the main data
//Args : os - an output stream to write to
os << "";