C++ API Reference
#include "sceneAssemblyStrings.h"
#include "adskSceneMetadataCmd.h"
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/adskDataAssociations.h>
#include <maya/adskDataAccessor.h>
#include <maya/adskDataAccessorMaya.h>
#include <maya/adskDataStream.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace adsk::Data;
// Constants
const char gStructureName [] = "adskSceneMetadataCmdStructure";
const char gMemberName [] = "adskSceneMetadataCmdDataString";
const char gStreamName [] = "adskSceneMetadataCmdStream";
// CLASS AdskSceneMetadataCmd
: fMode(kEdit)
void* AdskSceneMetadataCmd::creator()
return new AdskSceneMetadataCmd();
MSyntax AdskSceneMetadataCmd::cmdSyntax()
MSyntax syntax;
syntax.addFlag( "-c", "-channelName", MSyntax::kString );
syntax.addFlag( "-d", "-data", MSyntax::kString );
// In query mode, the command needs to know what channel to look for
syntax.makeFlagQueryWithFullArgs( "-channelName", false );
syntax.enableQuery( true );
syntax.enableEdit( true );
return syntax;
const char* AdskSceneMetadataCmd::name()
return "adskSceneMetadataCmd";
MStatus AdskSceneMetadataCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
MStatus status;
MArgDatabase argsDb( syntax(), args, &status );
if ( !status )
return status;
// Validate the mode
if (argsDb.isEdit())
if (argsDb.isQuery())
displayError( MStringResource::getString( rEditQueryError, status));
return MS::kFailure;
fMode = kEdit;
else if (argsDb.isQuery())
fMode = kQuery;
// Parse and validate the flags
fChannelName.parse ( argsDb, "-channelName" );
fData.parse ( argsDb, "-data" );
if ( !fData.isModeValid(fMode) )
displayError( MStringResource::getString( rDataFlagError, status));
return MS::kFailure;
// The channel name flag needs to be set in all modes
if ( !fChannelName.isSet() || !fChannelName.isArgValid() || fChannelName.arg() == "" )
displayError( MStringResource::getString( rChannelNameFlagError, status) );
return MS::kFailure;
// Retrieve the scene path
MStringArray objs;
status = argsDb.getObjects( objs );
// cmdSyntax above enforces one and only one object
MString scenePath = objs[0];
switch ( fMode )
case kEdit: status = doEdit( scenePath ); break;
case kQuery: status = doQuery( scenePath ); break;
default: break;
return status;
MStatus AdskSceneMetadataCmd::doEdit( MString scenePath )
return setMetadata( scenePath );
MStatus AdskSceneMetadataCmd::doQuery( MString scenePath )
return getMetadata( scenePath );
MStatus AdskSceneMetadataCmd::getMetadata( MString scenePath )
// This string gets populated with errors by the Metadata library when they occur
std::string errors;
// Retrieve the accessor
std::unique_ptr< Accessor > accessor( getAccessorForScene( scenePath ) );
if ( NULL == accessor.get() )
return MS::kFailure;
// Retrieve the scene associations
Associations associations;
if ( MS::kSuccess != getSceneAssociations(*(accessor.get()), associations) )
return MS::kFailure;
// Look for the specified channel
std::string channelName( fChannelName.arg().asChar() );
Channel *channel = associations.findChannel( channelName );
if ( NULL == channel )
// The specified channel was not found in the metadata.
// There is simply no metadata of interest in that scene file
setResult( "" );
return MS::kSuccess;
// There should only be one stream in our metadata. Make sure there is at least one
if ( 0 == channel->dataStreamCount() )
MStatus resStatus;
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString( rMissingStreamInChannelError, resStatus );
errorString.format( errorString, fChannelName.arg() );
displayError( errorString );
return MS::kFailure;
Stream *stream = channel->dataStream( 0 );
// There should only be one element in the stream. Make sure there is at least one
if ( 0 == stream->elementCount() )
MStatus resStatus;
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString( rMissingElementInStreamError, resStatus );
errorString.format( errorString, fChannelName.arg() );
displayError( errorString );
return MS::kFailure;
Handle handle = stream->element( 0 );
// Position the handle on our data of interest
if ( false == handle.setPositionByMemberName( gMemberName ) )
MStatus resStatus;
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString( rMissingMemberInElementError, resStatus );
errorString.format( errorString, gMemberName, fChannelName.arg() );
displayError( errorString );
return MS::kFailure;
if ( Member::kString != handle.dataType() )
MStatus resStatus;
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString( rInvalidMemberDataTypeError, resStatus );
errorString.format( errorString, fChannelName.arg() );
displayError( errorString );
return MS::kFailure;
char **strings = handle.asString();
setResult( strings[0] );
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus AdskSceneMetadataCmd::setMetadata( MString scenePath )
// This string gets populated with errors by the Metadata library when they occur
std::string errors;
// Retrieve the accessor
std::unique_ptr< Accessor > accessor( getAccessorForScene( scenePath ) );
if ( NULL == accessor.get() )
setResult( false );
return MS::kFailure;
// Retrieve the accessor
Associations associations;
if ( MS::kSuccess != getSceneAssociations(*(accessor.get()), associations) )
setResult( false );
return MS::kFailure;
// Is our structure registered yet?
Structure *structure = NULL;
for ( Structure::ListIterator itrStructList = Structure::allStructures().begin(); itrStructList != Structure::allStructures().end(); ++itrStructList )
if ( std::string((*itrStructList)->name()) == std::string(gStructureName) )
structure = *itrStructList;
if ( NULL == structure )
// Register our structure since it is not registered yet.
structure = Structure::create();
structure->setName( gStructureName );
structure->addMember( Member::kString, 1, gMemberName );
Structure::registerStructure( *structure );
// Make sure our structure is known by the accessor
const Accessor::StructureSet &accessorStructures = accessor->structures();
if ( accessorStructures.find( structure ) == accessorStructures.end() )
// Build a new structure set from the existing one
Accessor::StructureSet updatedStructures = accessorStructures;
// Add our structure to it
updatedStructures.insert( structure );
// Assign the new structure set
accessor->setStructures( updatedStructures );
// Retrieve or create the specified channel
std::string channelName( fChannelName.arg().asChar() );
Channel channel = associations.channel( channelName );
// Create the stream
Stream stream( *structure, std::string( gStreamName ) );
// Set the stream in the channel
channel.setDataStream( stream );
// Create an handle to the data itself
Handle handle( *structure );
// Set our string
std::string dataString( fData.arg().asChar() );
if ( 0 != handle.fromStr( dataString, 0, errors ) )
MStatus resStatus;
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString( rSetDataOnChannelError, resStatus );
errorString.format( errorString, fChannelName.arg(), errors.c_str() );
displayError( errorString );
setResult( false );
return MS::kFailure;
// Set the handle in the stream
stream.setElement( 0, handle );
// Write the new scene file metadata
if ( !accessor->write( errors ) )
MStatus resStatus;
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString( rWriteMetadataError, resStatus );
displayError( errorString );
setResult( false );
return MS::kFailure;
// true is success;
setResult( true );
return MS::kSuccess;
std::unique_ptr< Accessor > AdskSceneMetadataCmd::getAccessorForScene( MString scenePath )
// This string gets populated with errors by the Metadata library when they occur
std::string errors;
std::string stdScenePath( scenePath.asChar() );
std::unique_ptr< Accessor > accessor( Accessor::accessorByExtension( stdScenePath ) );
if ( NULL == accessor.get() )
MStatus resStatus;
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString( rAccessorNotFoundError, resStatus );
errorString.format( errorString, scenePath );
displayError( errorString );
return std::unique_ptr< Accessor >();
// Optimization: only read the scene associations.
std::set< std::string > wantedAssociations;
wantedAssociations.insert( AccessorMaya::getSceneAssociationsName() );
if ( !accessor->read( stdScenePath,
NULL, // read all the structures
errors ) )
MStatus resStatus;
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString( rCannotReadFileError, resStatus );
errorString.format( errorString, scenePath, errors.c_str() );
displayError( errorString );
return std::unique_ptr< Accessor >();
return accessor;
MStatus AdskSceneMetadataCmd::getSceneAssociations( Accessor &accessor, Associations &out_associations )
// Retrieve the scene-level association
const Accessor::AssociationsMap &associationsMap = accessor.associations();
Accessor::AssociationsMap::const_iterator iterAssociations = associationsMap.find( AccessorMaya::getSceneAssociationsName() );
if ( iterAssociations == associationsMap.end() )
// We could not find the scene associations in the given file. Create them
out_associations = Associations::create();
accessor.associations()[AccessorMaya::getSceneAssociationsName()] = out_associations;
out_associations = (*iterAssociations).second;
return MS::kSuccess;
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy
// form.