C++ API Reference
Channel Class Reference

Class handling a named association of a data array with other data. More...

#include <adskDataChannel.h>

Public Member Functions

 ~Channel ()
 Default destructor, disowns the implementation object.
 Channel ()
 Default constructor, creates an implementation object.
 Channel (const std::string &)
 Named constructor, creates an implementation object with a specific name. More...
 Channel (const Channel &)
 Copy constructor, shares implementation with the rhs. More...
Channeloperator= (const Channel &)
 Assignment operator, shares implementation with the rhs. More...
bool operator== (const Channel &) const
 Comparison operator, checks if this channel is the same as another. More...
StreamsetDataStream (const Stream &newStream)
 Set a new named data stream. More...
const StreamfindDataStream (const std::string &) const
 Get the Stream with the given name, return NULL if it doesn't exist. More...
StreamfindDataStream (const std::string &)
 Get the Stream with the given name, return NULL if it doesn't exist. More...
bool removeDataStream (const std::string &)
 Destroy the data stream with the given name. More...
bool renameDataStream (const std::string &, const std::string &)
 Rename a Stream. More...
bool makeUnique ()
 Make the channel data unique to this object. More...
const std::string & name () const
 Get the name of this Channel, const-version. More...
Channel::iterator begin () const
 Get an iterator pointed to the beginning of the Stream list. More...
Channel::iterator end () const
 Get an iterator off the end of the Stream list. More...
Channel::const_iterator cbegin () const
 Get a read-only iterator pointed to the beginning of the Stream list. More...
Channel::const_iterator cend () const
 Get a read-only iterator off the end of the Stream list. More...
unsigned int size () const
 Get the number of Streams on this Channel. More...
bool empty () const
 Check to see if the Stream list is empty. More...
bool removeElement (const Index &elementIndex)
 Remove a single element from this data channel. More...
bool addElement (const Index &elementIndex)
 Add a new data element to the channel. More...
unsigned int dataStreamCount () const
 Get the number of data streams in this channel. More...
StreamdataStream (unsigned int streamIndex)
 Get the named data stream, either const or non-const. More...
StreamdataStream (const std::string &streamName)
 Get the data stream of the given name. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool Debug (const Channel *me, Debug::Print &request)
 Answer a Print request for a Channel object. More...
static bool Debug (const Channel *me, Debug::Footprint &request)
 Answer a footprint request for a Channel object. More...

Detailed Description

Class handling a named association of a data array with other data.

This class is used in conjunction with adsk::Data::Associations. See the documentation for adsk::Data::Associations for the bigger picture in how the classes work together.

adsk::Data::Channel is responsible for maintaining a list of named data streams, where a "stream" can be thought of as equivalent to a named array of data.

The main reason for this class to exist is to allow attachment of multiple unrelated data streams. For instance a simulator can attach an arbitrary data structure to every vertex of a mesh (that's one stream) and a shader can attach a different color-based data structure to every vertex of a mesh (that's a different stream).

Having separate streams makes it easier to find and handle the stream of data in which a particular user is interested. Having this channel class manage the streams as a unit makes it easier for changes in the indexing to do the proper thing to the data in the streams all in one place (e.g. deleting one of the associated indexes will cause the matching indexed data in each of the streams to be deleted)

MetadataSample/createMetadataCmd.cpp, MetadataSample/importMetadataCmd.cpp, MetadataSample/tweakMetadataNode.cpp, MetadataXML/associationsSerializerXML.cpp, MetadataXML/channelSerializerXML.cpp, MetadataXML/channelSerializerXML.h, and sceneAssembly/adskSceneMetadataCmd.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Channel ( const std::string &  name)

Named constructor, creates an implementation object with a specific name.

[in]nameName of the Channel to construct
Channel ( const Channel rhs)

Copy constructor, shares implementation with the rhs.

[in]rhsChannel data to be copied

Member Function Documentation

Channel & operator= ( const Channel rhs)

Assignment operator, shares implementation with the rhs.

[in]rhsChannel data to be copied
bool operator== ( const Channel rhs) const

Comparison operator, checks if this channel is the same as another.

[in]rhsChannel data to be compared
true if the two channels reference the same data
Stream * setDataStream ( const Stream newStream)

Set a new named data stream.

Does not insist that the stream name is unique; asking for it by name when there are duplicates will return the first one found. If you are creating duplicates you have to iterate to find all streams with the same name.

This method creates a copy of the stream to be owned by the channel. This will not duplicate the data in the stream, just the stream information.

[in]newStreamNew stream to be added to the channel
Newly added data stream (copy of the one passed in)
const Stream * findDataStream ( const std::string &  streamName) const

Get the Stream with the given name, return NULL if it doesn't exist.

If no Stream with that name exists NULL will be returned.

[in]streamNameName of Stream to retrieve
Stream with the given name if it exists, NULL if it doesn't.
Stream * findDataStream ( const std::string &  streamName)

Get the Stream with the given name, return NULL if it doesn't exist.

If no Stream with that name exists NULL will be returned.

[in]streamNameName of Stream to retrieve
Stream with the given name if it exists, NULL if it doesn't.
bool removeDataStream ( const std::string &  streamName)

Destroy the data stream with the given name.

[in]streamNameName of the Stream to remove
true if the stream was successfully removed, false if failed or didn't exist
bool renameDataStream ( const std::string &  oldStreamName,
const std::string &  newStreamName 

Rename a Stream.

Since sorting order comes from the Stream name this had to be controlled at this level.

[in]oldStreamNameName of the Stream to be renamed
[in]newStreamNameNew name for the Stream to be renamed
True if the Stream was found and renamed
bool makeUnique ( )

Make the channel data unique to this object.

Makes a copy of the data if it's currently being shared, otherwise leaves it as-is. Note that it can still be shared afterwards by some other object, i.e. this is not a persistent state, just an operation to perform before making changes you don't want any other copies of the associations to share.

true if the data was duplicated in order to make it unique
const std::string & name ( ) const

Get the name of this Channel, const-version.

Const reference to the Channel's name
MetadataSample/importMetadataCmd.cpp, and MetadataXML/channelSerializerXML.cpp.
Channel::iterator begin ( ) const

Get an iterator pointed to the beginning of the Stream list.

An iterator pointing at the first element of the Stream list
Channel::iterator end ( ) const

Get an iterator off the end of the Stream list.

An iterator positioned off the end of the Stream list
Channel::iterator cbegin ( ) const

Get a read-only iterator pointed to the beginning of the Stream list.

A read-only iterator pointing at the first element of the Stream list
Channel::iterator cend ( ) const

Get a read-only iterator off the end of the Stream list.

A read-only iterator positioned off the end of the Stream list
unsigned int size ( ) const

Get the number of Streams on this Channel.

number of Streams on this Channel
bool empty ( ) const

Check to see if the Stream list is empty.

true if there are no Streams on this Channel
bool removeElement ( const Index elementIndex)

Remove a single element from this data channel.

[in]elementIndexIndex of the data to be removed
false if any of the streams failed to remove an element at the given index
bool addElement ( const Index elementIndex)

Add a new data element to the channel.

The data element at the new index will be filled in based on the rules/callbacks on the data stream data.

[in]elementIndexIndex of the data to be added
true if the element was added to at least one stream
unsigned int dataStreamCount ( ) const

Get the number of data streams in this channel.

Same as the size() method, which has a more standard naming.

the number of data streams currently in this channel
MetadataSample/importMetadataCmd.cpp, and MetadataXML/channelSerializerXML.cpp.
Stream * dataStream ( unsigned int  streamIndex)

Get the named data stream, either const or non-const.

Obsolete, use the iterator. Positioning is not guaranteed.

[in]streamIndexIndex of the stream to retrieve
The associated stream at the given index, NULL if no stream
MetadataSample/importMetadataCmd.cpp, and MetadataXML/channelSerializerXML.cpp.
Stream * dataStream ( const std::string &  streamName)

Get the data stream of the given name.

Note that the Stream is a reference to the original so any changes. you make to it will be reflected in the channel.

[in]streamNameName of the stream to retrieve
Stream attached to the channel by the given name, NULL if no stream by that name
bool Debug ( const Channel me,
Debug::Print request 

Answer a Print request for a Channel object.

Use the request object to dump all information on the "me" Channel, or all static Channel information if "me" is NULL.

[in]mePointer to object to debug, NULL means class static
[out]requestPrint request object
True if the request was successfully processed.
bool Debug ( const Channel me,
Debug::Footprint request 

Answer a footprint request for a Channel object.

Populate the Footprint request with the information on all data stored within this class if "me" is NULL, otherwise the information stored in the Channel object pointed at by "me".

[in]mePointer to object to footprint, NULL means class static
[out]requestFootprint object to populate
True if the request was successfully processed. The Footprint object will have all information added to it.

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