C++ API Reference
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// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// Produces the dependency graph node "transCircle".
// This plug-in demonstrates how to use an attribute that contains
// multiple values (a compound attribute). The translate attribute of the
// transform node is used which is composed of the elements: translateX,
// translateY, and translateZ, all of which are communicated over a single
// dependency graph connection.
// To use this node, execute the MEL command "transCircleNode.mel" that contains
// the following:
// createNode transCircle -n circleNode1;
// sphere -n sphere1 -r 1;
// sphere -n sphere2 -r 2;
// connectAttr sphere2.translate circleNode1.inputTranslate;
// connectAttr circleNode1.outputTranslate sphere1.translate;
// connectAttr time1.outTime circleNode1.input;
// This creates two spheres and a transCircle node. The translate attribute of sphere1
// is connected to the input of the transCircle node, and its output is connected to
// the translate attribute of sphere2.
// If the play button is pressed, the second sphere will circle around the first.
// If the first sphere is moved, the second will also move such that the first sphere
// always remains at the center of the circle.
// This plug-in also comes with a sample of an attribute editor template.
// This example suppresses the display of all attributes except scale and frames, and also
// provides an extra quick set control for the scale attribute that uses radio buttons
// to update the attribute value.
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <math.h>
class transCircle : public MPxNode
transCircle() {};
~transCircle() override {};
MStatus compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) override;
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
static MObject input; // The input value.
static MObject inputTranslateX; // The translate X value. (input)
static MObject inputTranslateY; // The translate Y value. (input)
static MObject inputTranslateZ; // The translate Z value. (input)
static MObject inputTranslate;
static MObject outputTranslateX; // The translate X value. (output)
static MObject outputTranslateY; // The translate Y value. (output)
static MObject outputTranslateZ; // The translate Z value. (output)
static MObject outputTranslate;
static MObject frames; // Number of frames for one circle.
static MObject scale; // Size of circle.
static MTypeId id;
MTypeId transCircle::id( 0x80013 );
MObject transCircle::input;
MObject transCircle::frames;
MObject transCircle::scale;
MObject transCircle::inputTranslate;
MObject transCircle::outputTranslate;
MObject transCircle::inputTranslateX;
MObject transCircle::inputTranslateY;
MObject transCircle::inputTranslateZ;
MObject transCircle::outputTranslateX;
MObject transCircle::outputTranslateY;
MObject transCircle::outputTranslateZ;
void* transCircle::creator()
return new transCircle;
MStatus transCircle::initialize()
MStatus stat;
input = nAttr.create( "input", "in", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0 );
inputTranslateX = nAttr.create( "inputTranslateX", "itX",
inputTranslateY = nAttr.create( "inputTranslateY", "itY",
inputTranslateZ = nAttr.create( "inputTranslateZ", "itZ",
inputTranslate = nAttr.create( "inputTranslate", "it",
inputTranslateZ );
outputTranslateX = nAttr.create( "outputTranslateX", "otX",
outputTranslateY = nAttr.create( "outputTranslateY", "otY",
outputTranslateZ = nAttr.create( "outputTranslateZ", "otZ",
outputTranslate = nAttr.create( "outputTranslate", "ot",
outputTranslateZ );
scale = nAttr.create( "scale", "sc",
frames = nAttr.create( "frames", "fr",
stat = addAttribute( inputTranslate );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}
stat = addAttribute( input );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}
stat = addAttribute( scale );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}
stat = addAttribute( frames );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}
stat = addAttribute( outputTranslate );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( inputTranslateX, outputTranslateX );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( inputTranslateY, outputTranslateY );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( inputTranslateZ, outputTranslateZ );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( inputTranslate, outputTranslateX );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( inputTranslate, outputTranslateY );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( inputTranslate, outputTranslateZ );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( inputTranslate, outputTranslate );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( input, outputTranslateX );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( input, outputTranslateY );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( scale, outputTranslateX );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( scale, outputTranslateY );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( frames, outputTranslateX );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
stat = attributeAffects( frames, outputTranslateY );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus transCircle::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
MStatus stat;
bool k = ( plug == outputTranslateX ) |
( plug == outputTranslateY ) |
( plug == outputTranslateZ ) |
( plug == outputTranslate );
if (!k) return MS::kUnknownParameter;
MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( input, &stat );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("inputValue: input"); return stat;}
MDataHandle scaleData = data.inputValue( scale, &stat );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("inputValue: scale"); return stat;}
MDataHandle framesData = data.inputValue( frames, &stat );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("inputValue: frames"); return stat;}
MDataHandle transData = data.inputValue( inputTranslate, &stat );
if (!stat) { stat.perror("inputValue: inputTranslate"); return stat;}
double3& iTranslate = transData.asDouble3();
double currentFrame = inputData.asDouble();
double scaleFactor = scaleData.asDouble();
double framesPerCircle = framesData.asDouble();
double angle = 6.2831853 * ( currentFrame/framesPerCircle );
double3 oTranslate;
oTranslate[0] = iTranslate[0] + (sin( angle ) * scaleFactor);
oTranslate[1] = iTranslate[1] + 1.0;
oTranslate[2] = iTranslate[2] + (cos( angle ) * scaleFactor);
MDataHandle otHandle = data.outputValue( outputTranslate );
otHandle.set( oTranslate[0], oTranslate[1], oTranslate[2] );
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
status = plugin.registerNode( "transCircle", transCircle::id,
transCircle::creator, transCircle::initialize );
if (!status) {
return status;
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
status = plugin.deregisterNode( transCircle::id );
if (!status) {
return status;
return status;