Python API 2.0 Reference
Public Member Functions | |
def | __init__ () |
def | distance () |
def | distanceToPoint () |
def | normal () |
def | setPlane () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
def | __new__ () |
This class describes a mathematical plane.
def OpenMaya.MPlane.__init__ | ( | ) |
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
static |
Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
def OpenMaya.MPlane.distance | ( | ) |
distance() -> float Returns the distance of the plane along the normal.
def OpenMaya.MPlane.distanceToPoint | ( | ) |
distanceToPoint(point, signed=False) -> float Returns the distance from the plane to the specified point. * point (MVector) - The point from which to calculate the distance * signed (bool) - Whether to return a signed or unsigned distance
def OpenMaya.MPlane.normal | ( | ) |
normal() -> MVector Returns the normal of the plane.
def OpenMaya.MPlane.setPlane | ( | ) |
setPlane(a, b, c, d) -> self setPlane(n, d) -> self Set the equation of the plane. From values : ax + by + cz + d = 0 * a (float) - The plane equation's x coefficent * b (float) - The plane equation's y coefficent * c (float) - The plane equation's z coefficent * d (float) - The plane equation's constant distance term From a normal and offset * n (MVector) - The plane's normal * d (float) - The offset of the plane along the normal